Part Fourteen: Another One

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Tyler's POV:
The next morning, I told them to get car and get ready for a long ride for the surprise. It was going to take at least 4 hours to get there. This was a good time for Shane to get to know his new parents.

"You can ask us anything that you would like. Anything that will help you know your parents better." Ethan said. I didn't want to talk much since I was driving. It took Shane a while to ask something.

"How did you guys know that you were gay?" He asked, taking this seriously.

"Well, for me, I always knew. I didn't see girls the way that I saw guys. I think it has something to do with my dad's death. It might have done something to me., but I'll never know. What I do know is that I'm happy with you and Tyler." He grabbed my hand, looking at me.

"What about you Dad?" Shane asked.

"Well for a long time, I wasn't interested in anyone. Then Ethan came out to me when we were in fifth grade, and it changed everything. I fell for him. But for many years, I convinced myself that I wasn't gay. Then, in our senior year in high school, Ethan passed me a note, that I still have to this day, that made me realize that I was in love with my best friend. My first love." I explained, smiling.
Shane took all of this in.

"So without Daddy, you would have been alone, Dad?" He asked. I never thought of that.

"Now that you mention it, I guess that's true." Ethan said.

"Anything else?"

"How long have you known each other?" He asked.

"To be perfectly honest, I don't know. Do you, Teddy Bear?" Ethan said. I was thinking about that.

"It seems like our whole life, we have known each other" I answered.

"Ok, so how did your parents take it?" He asked. That sent a wave of pain so bad, I had to pull over. Ethan looked worried. I gulped.

"I don't know how to explain this. But here goes nothing. My parents were fine with it. But Ethan's Mom, that's a complete different story. At first, she seemed like she wasn't ok with it. She kicked Ethan out of her house and he was living with me. Then, when he went to school, some friends of someone that tried to bully Ethan the day before thought they could try and kill him. They almost succeeded, putting him in a coma. When I went to go see him, my kidney failed and I passed out, which is a deadly thing to happen. I was rushed into surgery. After I woke up, Ethan walked to my room and we laid in the bed. Then, Ethan's Mom came in, apologizing.." by this time I was crying, "Ethan forgave her and we went on with our life. I tried to kill myself, Ethan was shot on our wedding day, I developed a brain tumor, and his mom was there through it all. We decided to take a trip to Vegas, us, my parents, and his mom went. Then we went out to a bar, and someone messed with our drinks. And we passed out.

"I woke up in a strange room. No one but me. I started to panic. I was scared about what was happening to your daddy. That's when the guy that bullied Ethan walk in. Not long after, I was taken where Ethan and my parents were. That's when his mom came out. He hates gays. She told that guys friends to try and kill Ethan. She got Ethan shot. She did all of this to us..." I started sobbing. Ethan was rubbing my back, comforting me.

"But don't worry, you'll never see her." Ethan added.

"That's... awful..." Shane said, tears in his little blue eyes. I regained my composure and got back in the road.

"It was. Then I find out that she killed my dad. She was an evil person. So you only have one set of grandparents. Tyler's parents. Which reminds me, we have to introduce Shane." Ethan informed.

"Well do it after we get from where we going." I said.

"Speaking of that, where are we going?" Shane asked.

"You'll see. It's not too far from here." Ethan looked at me. I made a right turn and all I heard was screaming coming from the back seat.

"YOU GUYS ARE THE BEST PARENTS EVER!!" Shane yelled at the top of his lungs. I decided to take him to the fair. I'm glad that he liked one of his surprises. Once we got out of the car, it was Shane leading the way. And the person at the front gate was none other then Jack.

"Jack? Is that you?" Ethan asked, recognizing that familiar green hair and that heavy Irish accent.

"Oh my god! Ethan! Tyler! How's everything?!" He asked.

"Everything is amazing." I answered.

"Aww, who's the little Ethan?" Jack asked, seeing Shane for the first time.

"Hi, my name is Shane. I'm their son." Shane said. I smiled to myself, still admiring the fact that he was our son.

"Awww, well let me tell you, you have amazing parents. They are going to love you and give you anything that you want. I've known them for a long time. They are really good people." Jack said.

"Thank you. You know, you look really familiar to me. But I don't know where though." Shane said.

"Really? Well do you watch Jacksepticeye?"

"Ye— OH MY GOD YOU'RE THE JACKSEPTICEYE?!" He was amazed, hugging Jack.

"Guilty as charged."

"Hey honey, I didn't find your–" I look and see Mark.

"Mark? You're here too? Wait, who were you calling honey?" I asked.

"Well, the jig is up. Jack and I are dating." Mark answered.

"WHEN DID THAT START?" Ethan asked, yelling.

"You know when you went to the hospital the second time?" Mark asked.

"That long ago?!" I said. I couldn't believe they would keep that from us. Me and Ethan both shipped them.

"Yeah. Jack didn't want to come out to anyone yet. He was still getting over his ex when we started talking." Mark explained.

"Well, now that we are all here, let's go inside!" Shane said. Once we set foot inside, the whole atmosphere changed, and not for the good.

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