Part Six: Healing

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Ethan's POV:
(If you don't like smut, then skip this chapter. And please, don't go crazy over this. I don't want Tyler or Ethan to see this. They have already expressed that they don't like to read about them having sex with their best friend. Just don't push this on them. If they are together, then that's all well and great, but if they don't want to come out to us, then that's their business. If they're not, then that's them. Just be respectful and respect their life. Anyways, hope you enjoy)

I got in my car and drove as fast as I could to Tyler's house. I saw the ambulance and my mom's car at his house. I watched them carry Tyler away in a stretcher. I got out and ran up and hugged my mom.

"Why would he do this?" She asked.

"We got in an argument and I threw the ring at him.. I guess he thought that we were..." I couldn't finish because I started crying. My Teddy Bear, he left me.

"Oh honey I'm so sorry..." She hugged me tight.
She got in my car and she drove us to the hospital. I just sat quiet the entire ride. I just wanted Tyler back in my arms.

When we got there, Tyler's parents hugged me tight. We all cried. I couldn't believe that today ended so badly. Tyler was my everything. I needed him. The doctor walked in.

"Tyler Scheid?" We all stood up.

"Tyler has hundreds of self harm marks, all very recent. He has one that is 4 inches deep, which is the reason why he was bleeding out."

"Is he going to be ok?" I said, maybe a little too harsh.

"He's recovering in the ICU. We have to give him a blood transfusion."

"How much does he need?" Tyler's dad asked.

"He needs six quarts. None of you can give that to him. It will kill you in the process." He told us.

"How long does he have to wait?" Tyler's mom asked.

"The longest that he will have to wait is three months. It shouldn't take that long." He informed us.

Three weeks later

Tyler still hasn't gotten his blood transfusion, and he's running out of time. I was getting worried. He had O+, which meant he couldn't take anyone else's blood type, but he could give everyone blood. It was hard to find six quarts of O+ blood.

I knew I have O+ too, but I couldn't give it to him because the amount I would have to give him would kill me. I sat at his bedside, holding his cold, pale hand. I couldn't believe this happened.

Mark and Jack would often visit to check on me. I was a mess. I had been crying non-stop, I was holding our rings in my right hand, my blue hair was fading, I wasn't eating as much as I should have been. I didn't even go to graduation without Tyler by my side. I watched it on tv though. They had a candle lit where Tyler was supposed to sit and the principal took Tyler's diploma for him, and Tyler got a standing ovation. Everyone started crying. Everyone had loved Tyler a lot. But I loved him the most. He was my everything. And now there's no telling if I could even have him back.

"Ethan.." My mom called out. She would bring me blankets, food, drinks, trying to make me feel better. I knew she was trying to help but nothing was working.

"Yeah Mom?"

"The doctor said that they found enough blood and they are going to do the blood transfusion in less then an hour." She explained. I was so excited. I couldn't believe that I was going to be in Tyler's arms.

Three Hours Later

Tyler finally was out of surgery. I was right back at his bedside. I was going to stay there until he woke up. I had just started to fall asleep when I heard coughing.

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