Part Seventeen: Ethan's Flashback

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Ethan's POV:

I ran to Tyler's side, trying be best to calm him down. Jack fell to his knees and sobbed, Mark kneeling and holding him tight.

"Ethan, it's your turn. Let's see if you remember senior year. The day before you went to the hospital."

"Oh god..." I whispered.

Ethan's Flashback

"You have to tell him. I know it's hard, but you don't know how he feels." Mark said. He was at my house the night before. I called him over because I was close to doing something I shouldn't have. We were sitting in the living room. My mom was gone, like usual, so we had the house to ourselves.

"I can't! I can't tell him! He's straight!" I yell,  not necessarily at Mark. He seemed to understand that I was under a lot of stress.

"Well what about your boyfriend? You know you don't love him. You don't want to miss out on a chance to be with Tyler, do you?" I sighed.

"Fine. I'll do it..." I whispered. I got up and walked in my room to get dressed for school. I was wearing my pink shirt, blue jacket, blue skinny jeans, and my pink Nike's. I headed out to my car and got to school.
Once I got there, my boyfriend met with me at the side of my car.

"Good morning my love." He said. He looked so happy. And I was getting ready to take that from him.

"Look. I'm sorry.. but... I can't be with you... I don't actually feel anything towards you. You're a really nice, sweet guy. You really are, but I'm just not the one for you. This is going to sound very cliché, but it's not you. It's me. I'm sorry." Then I walked away, not wanting to see him cry.

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