Part Ten: Diagnosis

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Ethan's POV:
(Get ready to cry)

When I got to the hospital, the staff quickly comforted me, seeing my nerves on end. I was glad that we basically knew the staff. I sat in the off-cream colored waiting room, waiting to Robert, our doctor, to come in and tell me what was wrong with Tyler.
Thirty minutes go by.
An hour.
Two hours, now I'm getting worried. It never took them that long.
Three hours.
Ok what's going on? I thought.
Then, finally, I heard Robert's voice.

"Ethan?" I got up, as well as his parents and my mom.

He sighed, obviously he was afraid to tell us what's wrong. It takes him several deep breaths to get it out, which is never a good sign.

"Tyler... has a brain tumor.. it is the size of a peach. He was having an delusion. He thought that Freddy was after him. He was muttering 'stay away Freddy' and "no Chica". We have prepped him for surgery, but I'm going to be honest with you guys, it doesn't look good. I hope that he makes it through." He explained. He gave us a hug before he left. I sat there and cried. I didn't think that anything was wrong with him.

Six hours later

Tyler is still in surgery. I haven't left the hospital. I call in work to let them know that I wasn't going to be in, so they shouldn't try and record anything that had me in it.

I was in the waiting room, everyone telling me that he'll make it. He was a strong man. But I didn't believe them. I just sat and cried. I was sitting in my seat until Robert came from the back that I finally got up. He came over to me. I couldn't read his expression.

"Ethan, you might want to sit down." I did as he said, not wanting to hear what he was going to tell me. "Ethan, Tyler has some memory loss. He doesn't remember who you are, who he is, anything. I can't tell you if it will come back at all. All I can tell you is try your best to make him remember." That's when I cried the hardest I have ever cried in my life.
Robert pulled me in a hug. I knew he really cared about me and Tyler.

Robert had to go, so I let go of the hug and cried to myself. I couldn't go see him because he won't even know who I am. I grabbed my phone and texted both Mark and Jack.

Group Chat created

Me: Guys... Tyler had a brain tumor...

Mark: WHAT!

Jack: Oh no...

Me: But that's not the bad part... he had surgery to get it removed... but he has memory loss... and....

Mark: Don't tell me... he doesn't remember you...

Jack: .....

Me: He doesn't remember anything, not even who he is...

I turned off my phone, not even wanting to see how they react. Against my better judgement, I walked to Tyler's room.

"Hey.." I said.

"Hi... do I know you?" He asked, sending a wave of pain into my heart.

A/N: Sorry for a short chapter, but these next few chapters are going to be short. Believe me, there is a reason for it.

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