Chapter Six: Of Men And Horses •EDITED•

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Nicia was a state that sat right in the middle of the southern boundary of East and North.

It was originally independent on the account that it was in both nations' territories and splitting it was not a viable option. But because of it's status as an important location, and as a result of the many traders, entrepreneurs and businesses that preferred to sell goods there for it's reasonable prices and fair exchange rates, Nicia was soon absorbed into North's border.

Ignoring it's booming industry, the state was also a potential spot for military development. If Nicia was lost it would be a larger blow to North than it could ever be for East.

There were only so many entry points and exits along the walls of shielding that had sealed the four nations off from each other. And Nicia, being one of them, was especially valued because of the top ranked research center that made the enormous cluster of little towns it's home.

The flourishing state had always been bustling with people, which was only natural seeing it was also a secondary transaction hub for the north.

But today, that no longer seemed to be the case.

"Completely wiped out?" Corey asked for the fourth time that day, rereading the paper report in his hand.

It had been three days since the initial report on the attack of the border state but the words still sounded unbelievable. Despite having expected it, a part of him still doubted the authenticity of the report.

Nicia was the state he had fought tooth and nail with East's minister for. But more importantly, Nicia housed a majority of North's researchers and was the one place Elton called home.

Elton. . .

"Yes," The messenger who stood in the center of the office nodded slowly, his dark green uniform crinkling as he finished reading out the text from the document he held in his hands.

"Word was sent from the East, their border towns have also been decimated by unexplainable attacks. We have yet to receive feedback from our sources in the West and South " the young man ended hurriedly, keeping the almost transparent document back in it's place with the other rolls of thin paper that filled the satchel that hung off his belt.

"Send for—" As Corey opened his mouth to give the order, a series of rhythmic knocks landed on the double doors that shut his office.

A sigh left his still parted lips. He drew his hand across his face, his exhaustion painfully obvious.

"Yes?" He nearly groaned in exasperation, shaking his head at the thought of having to deal with the complaints of greedy nobles at a time like this. "What now?"

The messenger looked at his irritated leader in awkward silence, not knowing whether to continue his report or retreat out of the room—away from the moody minister.

He took half a step back, prepared to leave at a moment's notice.

Rumors had it that the Northern minister's temper could burn even the skies when his mask of calm finally shattered. And as a newly instated messenger, Philip didn't want to get into the bad books of the most powerful man in the north.

This was his last work hour for the week, and the second he was dismissed he planned to head to the nearest tower for today's mandatory sermon, then rush home for a well-deserved twenty four hour rest.

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