Chapter Eleven: A New Life •EDITED•

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"Let lonely lights in autumn
tell twisted tales in winter,
of one oasis in the summer
again abandoned after spring. . ."

A voice filled with longing pierced into the empty and dim night, singing what sounded like a nursery rhyme filled with meaningless verses.

But the lyrics meant much more to it's singer as she danced freely on the sooty roof of a scorched bakery, her pale feet twirling along with her faded yellow nightgown as she teetered forward on the edge of the building and looked down, lost in the white haze below as she mumbled the last parts of her made-up song.

"Again abandoned can't you see."

Abandoned just like me.

She shivered and wrapped her arms around herself, the cold from the air incomparable to the chill that had come over her heart. She took a step away from what could have been a deadly fall even with the cushioning of the fog then smiled brightly and turned to face her only audience of one.

"So, how was it?"

"This time around, I really liked it's alliteration and tune."

Her question was answered by a singsong voice and a low chuckle as her brother looked in her direction and smiled back. His short blonde hair seemed like a golden halo around his head and his blue eyes glittered in the faint moonlight that filtered through fog as his gaze met hers.

"Good job, Eddy."

Edythe clapped her hands together happily and skipped across the slanted rooftop to stand next to her twin. "I'm glad you loved it."

While speaking she took his hand and ran back toward the edge of the roof, pulling him along and bursting into a fit of giggles. The girl had long turned the deserted town into her personal paradise.

"Ah, quit messing around." Esau grumbled and swatted at her, his boots slapping against the roof tiles then meeting no resistance as he fell straight down with his cackling sister.

"I swear it, you've changed." He tried to hit her but missed again as she twisted agilely in the fog and dodged, much to his irritation.

"Sorry, Esau!" Edythe yelled, and her laughter started again as they both dropped onto the pile of pillows and mattresses that she had gathered earlier in the day while Esau was hunting for their what could be their last meal.

Esau on the other hand had the breath knocked out of him as he landed on his back and got swallowed by the softness beneath him.

He found himself staring blankly into the spot in the sea of fog that had prolonged their fall, his mind drifting to the kill he made earlier today and what he had seen when he looked into his town from the cliff. What do they want?

Since he and Edythe were the only people in town, they managed to live off the food they had gathered from the houses that survived the fires. But that only lasted them a week and a half till most of it turned rotten despite their efforts to preserve the food.

Soon they started eating the berries and nuts they found growing in bushes along the forest, staving off their hunger with those until there was nothing left. They never dared to breach the enclosure of trees that was now home to the beasts that roamed at night.

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