Chapter Sixty Three: The Fall Of An Immortal.

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It is an odd feeling, Dawn thought as the godlike Colossi by Auro's golden gate got closer and closer in her field of vision, watching yourself as though you were nothing but a spectator.

She had been walking hand in hand with Hezekiah, a part of her eager for his warmth and another worried for Corey.

Dawn couldn't remember what she was supposed to be doing, muddled conversations dancing around her head as she took in a deep breath of the chilly winter air.

Had it always been winter?

Flashes of yellow warmth ran through her mind and her hold on Hezekiah loosened. . . or was it the other way around? She didn't think she could control her fingers anymore, or her hands. . . They were too cold like the blood in them had frozen over leaving nothing behind but icy veins and painfully stiff joints.

Is this a form of death?

They were running now and Dawn felt like laughing even though she also felt like she was dying. Beating in her chest was pure joy, the sort of happiness that came from the simplest of nothings, like smelling roses or sniffing at rain soaked dirt—things she had never managed to do.

Dawn felt the tips of her fingers grow colder but she didn't pay much attention to it. Her focus was on her steady heartbeat, on the new emotions coursing through her veins, on the euphoria that had never belonged to her.

Dawn had never smelt roses but before the thought could cement itself in her mind, Hezekiah had lifted her off the ground, spinning her in circles as though they were lost in the safety of a dance.

But they weren't. They were on a battlefield. They could lose their lives any moment now.

Where were the Colossi that had locked in on them? Where was she?

The next thing Dawn knew she was thrown to the sky, now soaring in the air towards the massive gates of Auro.

Finally, a laugh bubbled up her throat, sickeningly sweet with all thoughts of roses forgotten.

Far above the ground, Dawn had the distinct urge to flap her arms, childish as it seemed. The power in her fingers told her to, beguiling whispers in the midst of quieting thoughts. And so she did, getting lost in the gust of freezing wind that followed the movement.

In a moment she was propelled above the clouds, floating in one spot as she took in the full monstrosity of the Colossi she was to fight. In it's large and vacant eyes, she saw an image distorted by her own watering eyes, her reflection.

A puff of breath escaped Dawn's blueing lips as the shock of reality hit her full force. With hair as white as snow and pale skin to match, Dawn barely recognized herself but she remembered the glowing pendant dangling off her neck.

Her drug-like happiness faded and like she was out of a trance, Dawn started, her face paling as she looked down at the blueish glow twirling about her fingers.

She started to fall.

"Eva!" Dawn screamed, fighting for control over her motionlessly stiff body.

Child, you must not resist.

"No," Dawn managed weakly as she found herself getting dragged back into the addictive happiness she had just managed to escape. "You can't drug me and take over my body."

She had to save Corey. She had to tell him she tried her best. She had to tell that their father was probably dead. She had to tell him that she loved him.

If she was possessed how could she do that? If she froze everything she touched how would she hold him? How would she tell him. . .

You wanted power, now your wish will be granted.

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