Chapter Twenty Two: The Separation •EDITED•

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"Child. . ."

Edythe jumped at the sudden sound. That single syllable seemed to contain all the danger she had been avoiding her whole life. Where had it come from?

She looked down at Esau and saw that he was still asleep, he didn't seem to have heard the voice.


Edythe let out a relieved sigh but didn't let down her guard.

I didn't imagine it. . .

She knew the voices in her head better than anyone, and she had never heard that one before.

Not daring to take her eyes off her brother, she immediately passed her arms through the straps of the bag she was about to open, letting it rest on her back as she reached for the other one.

"We have to go," she told her brother.

"But you aren't going anywhere." the chilling voice said, and Edythe stiffened. It came from behind her but she didn't dare turn around.

She shifted towards Esau and shielded him with her body before she fixed her gaze on the man behind her, her brother safe within her arms. "Who are you?"

He chuckled, his pristine suit of white fluttering in a gust of wind Edythe couldn't feel.

Who wears white in a forest? She narrowed her eyes at him, already suspicious of his friendly smile.

"I really do enjoy gazing upon sibling love," he ran his hand through his hair, the strands were white like everything else he wore, "but unfortunately for you, you're coming with me."

"Why would I do that?" Her arms squeezed her twin tighter, and Edythe glared at the man that blended so much with the milky fog that she was sure that he was made out of it.

"You have no choice." He smiled again, the rows of pearly white teeth almost blinding her when they reflected the sparse moonlight into her eyes.

Instantly Edythe hated him, the apparently flawless being of white. Somehow she just knew he was going to take Esau away.

Her hands slowly inched to Esau's boots for the knives she knew he kept there, but her searching fingers found none of the comforting steel blades.

She turned back to the man with the pale skin and found the blades she had been looking for sitting right there on his palm.

Edythe stood up with resolve. Determined not to rid her brother of anymore weapons, she pulled out the knives in her sleeves.

"So it was you," She took a small step towards him, then a larger one, deciding to take what was happening as far away as possible from Esau.

"Me?" The man looked confused and he raised an almost invisible eyebrow-it blended too well with the rest of him. "Are you trying to distract me?"

Her stare fell on the hand that wasn't holding the knives and she smiled. It was the only imperfection she saw in him, his bandaged arm.

Her mind flashed to the severed hand she had been holding when she had woken up after the attack; she felt a distinct urge to kill the man in front of her.

Edythe watched as realization flitted over the man's face while she twirled the blades in her hands. "Well?"

He laughed. The sound echoed all around Edythe and the phenomenon confused her. They were deep in fog, and even though it was a bit thinner at this height, it was still a lot.

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