Chapter Sixty Nine: Tomorrow Arrives.

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. . . the last chapter is finally here! Yes, it's a TAD longer than the other one. . . so, prepare yourself! It's gonna be a hell of a ride👀

With little encouragement Philip could forget the pain in his numb leg and the fact that Issac was so close to him. Too close.

Even with the possibility of death looming over him like never before, the fact that he could feel the captain's heartbeats through the ultra-thin uniform he wore was the only thing at the forefront of his mind.

It seemed ridiculous at first; when they started moving towards the house and Issac wrapped one arm around Philip and let him use his body as a crutch.

But now Philip needed to keep his mind focused so he didn't unconsciously take in too much of the captain's scent. So he didn't lapse into old memories and trip-maybe break another leg.

Of course he didn't want to die-Issac had promised him too good a life after this-but for some reason his mind was empty of everything important.

What was the plan again? Was there a plan 'B'? What if the capital had long fallen. . . What would they do then?

What if Corey Roya was dead?

For some other reason though, Philip couldn't bring himself to care. His eyes were fixed on the small figure in front of him, darting steadily forward, resolute on leaving this town behind even if the future was uncertain.

Sometimes it was hard to believe that two children had been stuck in this hellhole for months. He and Issac had only been here for how long? Was it a day? Was it two? Three?

The hours seemed to blend together.

How many times have we almost died?

Behind Philip, the unique sound of a body being dragged through the mud echoed. The snapping of branches and the heaviness of Issac's footsteps suddenly sounded like thunder in the messenger's ears.

For some moments his heart pounded wildly in his chest as his eyes flicked to the monster on the far right. In the next seconds, he cursed the fear that sprung up in his heart. Since when had he become so afraid?

He wasn't even the one in real danger.

The path they were taking to the house was on the far left and in a very circumventing semicircle. In front of the beast, Edythe stood, just a bit farther than the range of it's paw. She was waiting for the moment they reached the midway point of their route, their farthest distance from the beast.

Esau had earlier pointed out, his tone sarcastic, that it was a diameter.

Edythe had rolled her eyes, patted him on the shoulder and told him to get going before she shot him.

Somehow, Philip knew that the siblings were somehow comforting each other by not stating the obvious. Edythe would probably not make it and after the beast got bored with her he'd come straight for them.

Now it seemed stupid of him to have concerns about whether the beast heard them or not. In reality, it didn't matter in the end.

"Philip," Issac's voice snapped the messenger back into reality.

The eighteen year old turned his head to the captain just as a familiar bang sounded to their right. With his arm still slung about Issac's shoulders, Philip shifted his gaze to the monster.

Esau had called it a dog but Philip thought it was more wolf than domesticated canine.

"Yes," he answered shakily, his eyes following Edythe's figure as she dashed back in the direction of the forest. The laser had just grazed the beast's muzzle but it looked furious. It's fur stood on ends as it slowly got up, it's massive maw cracking open.

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