Chapter Sixteen: A Rain Of Metal •EDITED•

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Pink had always been Dawn's least favorite color—hate was too strong a word for a mere pigment—but she couldn't deny that it suited her well.

Despite her distaste for the unholy blend of red and white, she had purposefully turned herself into the very personification of the color. The mix of pink and the pale shine of her dehydrated and starved skin appeared appealing to the eye. It almost seemed childish—the way the bright colors resembled that of candy—but the jumpsuit that hugged her in all the right places proved otherwise.

She looked as hot as the pink she wore.

"Civilian," the monotone voice began again and the humanoid machine bent it's head slightly in her direction."This is a restricted area, you are not allowed in this vicinity. Please leave or face—"

"—immediate termination." Dawn completed the sentence slowly then pointed at the FCM almost seductively. "Who says I don't have access to this area? If I didn't then how did I get here?"

When she got no reply, she set her hands on her hips and looked up at the stationary chunk of metal in front of her. She had no doubt that she and her sister could turn it into a piece of unrecognizable scrap metal if they got the chance. And since this area wasn't under any surveillance it was the perfect place to make the offending machine mysteriously disappear.

Even if they were somehow discovered it would still be hard for them to be convicted with any charges given her reputation as the leader of the Cipher Squad, but Dawn was a bit hesitant. After all, the man controlling everything behind the scenes was her father. The person in the FCM might only be innocently following orders without knowing the consequences.

Above all, the thought of taking a life—or being involved in the process—after taking an oath never to do so again chilled her to the core.

Can I save his life?

She knew that the longer she stalled the more danger she and her sister would be in. From now on she wouldn't be able to delay the inevitable.

Dawn had to make a choice fast or they would all be dead soon.

Dee, what are you doing? Right on cue Rhea Lee's cool and expectant voice echoed dimly at the back of her mind.

Are you cloaked? Instead of answering, Dawn asked a question of her own instead, looking back at the alley through the corner of her eye.

Yes. Why? Are we finally taking this bastard out? the doctor asked eagerly, provoking an eye roll from Dawn as a noncommittal grunt slipped passed her lips.

I don't know. She said through the link.

What do you mean you don't know?

I'm sorry if I'm not really in the mood to smudge the clean slate I worked so hard to get. Dawn growled softly and tightened her hold on the comb.

Rhea Lee said nothing, but after a moment her voice resounded quietly in Dawn's head. Then I'll handle it myself.

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