BONUS CHAPTER i. award ceremony

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Issac looked critically at the 3D image of himself that modeled the clothes that he had considered wearing to the capital today.

He let out a sigh as the pictographic copy of himself walked in circles, slowly turning so that Issac could view every inch of the navy blue, eight piece suit he had chosen.

Somehow though, it all seemed wrong.

Suddenly frustrated, Issac looked to the side and walked away from the hologram, turning on his heel to face his bathroom door.

"Philip, if you don't get out of there right now, we are going to be late." Issac crossed his arms and tapped his right foot impatiently on the floor though he didn't really care for their punctuality at the moment.

"I know, I know!" Philip's agitation was muffled by the door before it opened to reveal the flustered eighteen year old as he emerged from the steamy room with only a towel tied around his waist.

"I'm sorry," he said sheepishly, water dripping from his still damp hair as he tried to explain, "I just-"

"It doesn't matter," Issac cut him off, his eyes raking down Philip's well toned body before his gaze stopped, lingering just above the towel, "just put on some clothes."

"Oh," Philip said, eyes still focused on Isaac's face before he realized what the other man had said. "Oh!"

The eighteen year old felt heat rush into his cheeks as he scampered to the dresser.

"Sorry." he spluttered, his hands swiping through the hologram projected by the furniture as he randomly selected some clothes to wear, not bothering to switch out of the preset options.

Due to his haste Philip ended up being dressed in dark jeans and a deep blue turtleneck, same as Issac.

He sat in front of the dressing table, fingers trembling as he took deep breaths to calm his heart while staring at his reflection in the mirror. "I'm just so nervous."

Issac stared at Philip for a moment, taking in the worry in the messenger's emerald eyes and the way he kept tugging at his hair, tangling his fingers in the dirty blonde strands.

It had been a little more than three months since they had been teleported out of Lacau. Just over three months since they had witnessed the aftermath of what they had later learnt was North's defense system getting activated.

The scene of countless limbs scattered on the ground and destroyed buildings flooded with running blue water had soon replaced the expected image of a sunny Auro.

The city's great gate had fallen, nothing but rubble amongst the rest.

Issac had clung to Philip like he was a lifeline as he watched all his worst nightmares come true in a matter of seconds. In front of them just some metres away had been Corey. The minister laid collapsed on the floor, his clothes soaked through with rainwater, his skin unbelievably pale.

What had happened when they were in Lacau?

The thought still haunted him. Even now when Dawn had taken up the post of minister for a week, guilt still overrode him. His father had been defending North with his life while he had been in Lacau on a scouting mission.

What type of son was he? What sort of captain?

Issac flicked his wrist, imagining a hair comb materializing between his fingers. It had taken a lot of work to get North back on it's feet. The activation of North's ultimate defense had crippled it's entire technological grid.

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