epilogue- minister of the north.

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"Hurry, hurry." An eager voice sounded in the bustling main street of Auro, able to be heard above the mumblings of the crowd. "Grandma, it's about to start!"

"Ah, Jonathan, stop shouting." Megan chided as she directed the boy away from the flow of the crowd.

It was not that she could not understand her grandchild's excitement, but it had only been three month since the disaster that destroyed Auro's gate. It wasn't yet time for anyone to be raising their voices.

But yes, today was a special day. That was true.

The wizened old woman directed her gaze to the the spot where the new capital building stood, towering high above the rest of the buildings.

With a soft smile she pulled Jonathan to her side, clutching to him tightly.

He was still a little too young to understand that his mother and father were never coming back.

"Let's go Jonah," she took his hand and ignored his confused gaze, "it's not everyday we get a new minister."

This day and age, it was rare for anyone to die suddenly. Most lived well past one hundred and fifty, even Megan was in her late one fifties and she still had plenty years ahead of her.

But her daughter had been thirty-four when she disappeared. She had been taking a business trip to Silo when the capital lost contact with the rest of the fallen districts.

"Ah," Jonathan gaped at the capital building in awe as they slowly made their way to it. "It's so big!"


It was much bigger than the other one. His grandmother agreed as she took in the now visible flicker of the stronger shields that reenforced it. It only served to remind her of the fragility of life before.

It had been so long since humanity had faced a tragedy such as that one.

"Who do you think is going to be minister next?" Jonathan bounced on the tips of his toes as the giant announcement screen floating above the center stage of Auro came into view.

Megan followed his gaze and slowed down her pace.

On the screen was a woman with striking white hair and a very pale complexion. Though her appearance was shocking, the fact that she wore North's colors put Jonathan's grandmother at ease.

The woman on the screen wore white and the similarity in color with her skin and hair only made her sapphire eyes stand out. Her lips were coated in light blue gloss and her fingernails had been painted the same soothing color.

"My name is Dawn Draekon." She started, her tone cool and apathetic as she stared straight into the camera.

"Yay! We made it!" Jonathan cheered when they stopped walking.

Behind Dawn and on her right was a man with an eye-catching head of red hair that brushed his ankles. He also wore a color of North that happened to match his hair, a deep crimson red suit that brought attention to his eyes, a blue that rivalled the new minister's.

"As you know, three months ago, North, as well as the other nations were face with a tragedy. We lost half of our population in a single day," her she paused as the audience took in the new information, "and in order not to panic the masses, the information was kept confidential. As the head of the Cipher Squad, I was among the few to first get information about Nicia's destruction. Search teams were established but most of them came back with no results. North's major towns and the supporting areas had been wiped clean of humanity activity. I'm truly saddened by this loss, as was Corey Roya."

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