Chapter Ten: A Sick Minister •EDITED•

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Making a minister seethe with jealousy was a daring feat on it's own, but Dawn managed to do it every time she opened her mouth in Corey's presence. And she relished each moment.

The woman wore a proud smile on her lips as she gleefully added one more point to her infinite winning streak. "Naturally, the reason I assigned Philip Tyndale to Issac's unit was because they were good childhood friends."

As leader of the Cipher Squad, Dawn was well informed about all affairs in North but there were just too many holes in the identity of the young noble that she couldn't just conclude her investigation.

In fact, this was the only clue she had procured in a month and she acquired them through some rather unorthodox means-interrogation included. Nevertheless, she enjoyed rubbing what little information she had in Corey's face. The fact that she had stolen one more abled body into her precious Cipher Squad also made her smile grow.

Corey stood stiffly by the side of his desk, only able to stare dully at Dawn as he sighed at his own stupidity. "Then you know who he is already?"

As the minister asked, he brooded, displeasure evident on his features as he glared at Dawn who sat comfortably in his chair.

"Hm? No." Dawn looked up at him and smiled mischievously. If she noticed his aggrieved expression she didn't show it as she shrugged and stretched her arms above her head, her pink lips pulled into an alluring smile as she spoke. "I thought you knew, Re-Re."

Corey almost fell to the ground in shock, the metallic taste of iron pervading his senses. He coughed out a mouthful of dark blood and stumbled forward, his face pale as pointed a shaky finger at his friend.

"You. . . You are-" But the words could not leave him.

The professor gaped at the speechless man, her eyes wide with amazement as she gazed deeply at the ruler of the north and pointed back at him, her tone laced with curiosity. "Is this what is called 'angering someone to the point of spitting blood'?"

The minister only groaned and wiped the corner of his mouth with his sleeve, well aware of the concern his friend had for him despite her apparent lightheartedness.

"I guess I have been pushing myself past the limit these days." Corey admitted quietly and shook his head as though he was simultaneously denying it.

His eyes dimmed slightly at the thought of the depressing reports that had been coming in this month and as he did the piercing pain in his head flared.

"And as usual, the Order of the Code is causing mischief." he added, his tone unusually weary as he raked his hand through his raven locks in an attempt to alleviate the pulsing ache in his skull.

"Let go for once, Rey." As she spoke, Dawn got up from behind the minister's desk and walked to him, her fingers grazing his as she pulled him close to her.

"When are you going to learn to stop being an idiot?" she scolded playfully as she wrapped her arms around him and rested her head against his chest.

"And of all the times to do it," the professor mumbled worriedly as she clenched her fists tightly then tugged at the hem of his shirt. "You shouldn't be stressing yourself."

With one arm firmly around her waist, Corey let out a dark laugh. "I am really tired of being a handicap to the north. . . And a burden to you, Dawn."

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