Chapter Fourteen: The Love Of A Father •EDITED•

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"Dee, you've changed. You've actually become a decent performer."

When Dawn didn't reply her, the panic on Rhea Lee's face slowly crumbled away to reveal her usual indifferent disposition.

Pure calm danced in her eyes as she stared at her sister. "I didn't poison him, if that is what you were thinking."

Unconvinced, Dawn raised a brow, easing into her seat as she let a smile form her lips. "Prove it."

"In my left coat pocket is Corey's medicine case, you'll find that none of the vials are touched." Her sister answered without any difficulty, unperturbed by the situation she was knee deep in.

"And that proves what exactly?" Despite the disbelief that laced her words, Dawn knew why she had let her sister go. She knew that there was no threat that had an effect on the lady who loved the color of blood and for that reason alone decided to practice medicine.

The doctor did what she wanted when she wanted and those sort of people were the hardest to deal with.

"I see that you're calm now." Rhea Lee teased her younger sister, pointing to the blooming marks on her neck. The red stood out against her white skin.

"You really enjoy playing with your life, don't you?" Dawn smirked. Seeing those bruises made her feel satisfied even though deep down she knew that she was being played with.

Rhea Lee was more twisted than anyone she knew but being able to rattle her was worth the satisfaction that came after.

"Father didn't send me," the doctor finally said after a moment of silence. "I followed you to the North because you are the only sister I liked."

Funny, the professor scoffed in her mind. You are also the only sister that has ever tried to kill me.

"I trusted you with my. . ." Dawn started, but cut her sentence short and closed her eyes. "I trusted you with Corey's life and you have betrayed that trust."

When she received no reply she opened her eyes again only to see a vial hovering between them.

"I did no such thing," Rhea Lee smirked and waved her hand. The little test tube dance around in kind. "I'm tired of daddy's little games Dee, I'm switching to your side."

"I gave you a job, swore on my name that you were trustworthy and got you a place to stay. . . and you only decide to switch sides now?" Dawn could only stare at her sister.

"Don't you know who our father is?" The oldest in the room hummed and wagged her finger with enthusiasm. "He's mad rich."

"And also mad mad." Dawn added and grabbed the vial that spun freely in the air, weightless under the control of her sister's mental influence.

"True." Rhea Lee nodded in agreement and fiddled with the buttons on her lab coat. "Guess what he's doing now?"

"Planning the end of the world?" Dawn answered halfheartedly and snorted as she looked through the colorless liquid in the little glass bottle.

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