Author's Note

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So, Cipher Code is officially over. I don't know how to feel about this. Of course, being finally able to complete a book gave me a thrill (you don't know have many times I've rewritten that chapter. Several times, the four of them retreated and waited for a better chance to escape. Lol).

First off, I'd like to thank alycecaswell (who the last chapter is dedicated to) for all her support. I think she's the most dedicated reader I've ever had, and I'm waiting on the edge of my seat to read the sequel to her amazing Sci-Fi adventure "The Tortured Wind". She's a really talented writer and I'm honestly flattered that she'd stick with my story all the way.

Then I'd like to appreciate jjeweled for giving me one of my first critiques, lol. Her story "The Celestial" and the sequel "The Cursed One" are amazing. So if you enjoy reading about angels and the bigger picture of things, you should check them out ;)

Of course I can't forget about AmyMarieZ for reviewing this book and for all her suggestions. I'm glad I got to read her books, they were horrific (in a good way). If you're looking to read some Psychological horror, then hit her up.

Last of all, but not least, is my good buddy ItsDraekon, who (obviously) I was inspired to base Dawn off. She is practically the source of one of my best characters in CC, and I would have not had the courage to post the very first chapters of this story if she hadn't been so persistent.

Then all my friends, the ones I made on here and the ones that have left Wattpad for greener pastures, thanks for keeping me here with your positivity and overall concern.

wentrack, PluckThatPeach, offtojupiter, urvajaved, bluevogue, OmaimaAkbar, DAUNTLESSDIVPOTATO, Atayschoen, blastingskrewts, nefarious_rose, AkeiraBoo, rubyruins, closetxpoet, Reckless_Racer.

Thank you all for being my friends.

I would have done a QA page, but no one has really asked any question yet. I guess I'll just wait for more people to read CC. 69 long chapters, I wanted to end it at 50... Oh well.

{N. B There will be an epilogue and bonus chapters. I'm sure you're curious about how everyone ended up, aren't you, dear reader? ;)}

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