After Veronica showed me my room she showed Chase his room. Veronica left Chase and I to explore the house and get comfy. But before she left to who knows where she showed us what buttons to push if we wanted the tv on or Netflix. After looking for a very long time through the cabinet. (It was only like three minutes.) I found the popcorn and put it in the microwave and waited..... I mumble to myself, "Omg this popcorn takes FOREVER...." As I'm making the popcorn I hear someone knocking on the front door, I go into the living room and say to Chase, "Can you please watch the popcorn while I go see who's knocking on the door?"
Chase who is picking a movie for us to watch. I swear to god if it is a scary movie I'm bring the popcorn to my room and eating it all in there. Chase finally looks at me and says, "Yeah sure." I walk to the door and I carefully open it and I see two police officers dressed in their normal uniforms. One of the police officers looked like he was about to tackle anyone who made him mad. But the other officer looked..... Gentle, Nice? While the nice police officer named Officer Joe Buck. Officer Buck looked at me and said, "Are you Lisa Winters?" I was shocked but all I said with my best poker face I could make, "Just a minute please..."
I close the door and I fast walk to Chase who was putting salt and butter on the popcorn looked at me seeing that something was wrong and asked, "Hey what's wrong?" I told him about the cops here asking about me and telling them, "I'll be right back." By the time I was done telling Chase, I was on the point of crying.Chase gets me to calm down and says, "If you want me to I will come with you." I can only nod and he follows me to the door and I open it and the police are still there waiting.....
Officer Buck looks at me then Chase then back at me and asks me again, "Are you Lisa Winters?" I nod my head yes and Officer Buck pulls out a notepad and a pen and starts asking me questions but the one I only hear is, "Do you remember your mother Annabelle Winters? The mention of my mom's name I tense and Chase knew it because he put his around around my waist and pulls me to him and I lean into him, with my head on his shoulder. I finally answer him with a nod. But all I can think is "Oh crap we are so busted oh crap...." Officer Buck knew something was up, So he asked the question I was dreading, "How you feeling? I heard about the crash. I'm sorry about your loss." I finally find my voice saying, "It's fine I'm getting better."
Officer Buck puts his notepad and pen back from where he got it and tips his hat at us and starts walking down the sidewalk. I close the door and let out a big sigh and lean against the door for support. Chase comes over to me and wraps me into a hug and holds me as tight as he can and says, "You alright Lisa?" I hesitated..Chase knew I wasn't I could tell by the way he held me tighter. I say, "Chase what movie are we watching?" He looks down at me and says, "I didn't pick one yet. Any ideas?" "No nothing I can think of." Then I ask, "How are you good with Jeepers Creepers?" By the look on Chase's face it look like he never knew a girl like me would want to watch that. I laughed and he asked why I'm laughing and told him, he gets serious again and I start laughing into a fit of giggles.
So when I caught my breath I sat down on the couch and searched up, "Jeepers Creepers." Chase sits down next to me with the popcorn, I just wait for him to do something but I focus back on the tv and found the movie. I started watching the movie then all of a sudden the lights go off..... I look at Chase and he's not there.... But the popcorn is. I think to myself, "Oh crap...." Then I look outside cause a ad was on tv and I see something I focus more and I gasp..... It was a wolf just like my "dream." I scream and jump and bolt to my room and shut the door.
I am leaning against the door and found the light switch. I flip the switch and I heard a knock on my door then I hear Chase's voice, "Lisa are you ok? Lisa what happened?!" I unlock the door and open it. Chase is standing there with a worried/scared look on his face. He asks me again, "Lisa are you OK?" I nod my head a little and just by that little nod Chase walks in and wraps me into his arms and holds me. We hear the front door open and we start walking down the hallway.
We hear Veronica's voice, "Lisa, Chase where are you guys?" I answer her, "Walking down the hallway Veronica." We hear her walk into the kitchen and hear cabinets opening and closing. We pass the living room and I look at the couch and the window. Popcorn was everywhere, cushions were messed up, and the blanket I was using was on the floor in a small knot. Veronica walks into the living room and her eyes go huge she looks at the mess then to Chase and I then back to the mess and tells Chase to come with her to the kitchen. Veronica says quietly to Chase, "Is she ok? Chase what happened?"
Chase looks at the floor and then looks at her and says, "All I know is one minute her and I are watching a movie and then I get up and turn the lights off and get something to drink and I hear a scream I run to the living room and she's not there then I hear a door slam, I run to her room and knock on the door and begged her to come out. That's all I know."
Veronica soaks all that in and doesn't say anything then she finally says, " Just watch her tonight ok? I am going to sneak into the hospital and see if they know about you and Lisa escaping." Chase only nods his head and walks back into the living room. I see Chase looking at me and he comes sits next to me. We both don't say anything for a minute or two and then he asks, "Lisa at- what happened?" I rub my eyes and set my hands between my knees and say, "I-I don't know Chase I really don't know."
Chase gets back up and walks back into the kitchen and there is a note from Veronica Chase reads it.
Dear Chase & Lisa,
Chase & Lisa I am going to go to the hospital for a while to see if they know about you guys running away. If I don't return in less than twenty four hours Do Not Panic ok? I will be One. looking around the hospital to see if they even know. Two. or I got caught and I'm in jail (That won't happen by the way.) But Chase if you're reading this then don't let Lisa see this part of the letter. Chase keep an eye on her and watch her very closely. If she gets suspicious, don't let her find out ok?
Otherwise have fun I got a lot of food there so eat it up and don't stay up too late. Now if you guys need anything or it's an emergency then call my cell. Give Lisa a hug for me ok? I'll probably try to be back in a couple of hours.
My cell is 1(715)-919-4553
Be safe and have fun.
Chase folds the note in half and puts it in his back jean pocket and comes back into the living room. I see something's wrong with Chase but I don't say anything and play the movie. Chase scoots closer to me and pulls me towards him and I lay my head down on his legs. We watched the movie and by the time it ended I am holding Chase with all my might and he is looking at me trying not to laugh but he is smiling like an idiot and I know this because I looked up at him and glared at him and then he finally laughs his head off.
I get up and start picking up the popcorn on the floor and I bend down to grab some and I didn't hear Chase get up but he did and he spanks my butt. I turn my head and throw the popcorn at him and then he tackles me to the ground and we start rolling around and then I get free from Chase and as quick as I can I run to my room but I hear Chase following me and I get to my room and almost got the door closed but Chase somehow gets through and he tries to grab me but he misses and then I try and sneak out the door and I ran into another room and I went and hid behind the bed. I waited for Chase to come but I didn't hear him yet.
Anyway I looked around the room and I gasp. It was Chase's room. I thought to myself, "Oh crap Oh crap." Then the door opens and Chase walks in and sits on his bed with his back facing me. I can tell he was looking for me because he looked defeated. I try not to laugh so as quietly as I could I snuck up behind Chase and jabbed his sides and went, "RAH!!" Chase jumps so high and screams so loud I fall on the bed laughing my head off feeling so proud of myself for scaring Chase I laugh even harder for just thinking it.
Chase sees me laughing and jumps on the bed and grabs me and holds me. I literally stop laughing and look at Chase. The look he gave me was he wanted to be with me right now, and then...We get closer and we start kissing.....and then I guess we must have fell asleep because the next thing I knew we were all tired and groggy. I sit up and rub my face and wipe my eyes. I don't know what to do about Chase and I. God I love him but what if we were kissing and Veronica seen us, what would she do? That's all I can think about if she did find out.

Love Never Gives Up (Changed) 1
RomanceWhen Lisa Winters gets into a car accident, because of her fucked-up mother; her whole world flips upside down. When Lisa and Chase finally admit their true feelings for each other after years of being best friends. Lisa screws up and makes a mess s...