Chapter Fourteen

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I run through the woods. Chase doesn't know this way. I hop over fallen trees, branches, stumps, and tree roots. I pass a old barn that used to have horses but they died years ago. I focus on the trail. I watch my breathing and my footsteps. I quickly leap over another branch. I trip on a rock I didn't see and I fall. I scrap my knee real bad and I curse. I get back up and keep running. Soon enough I see Cora's back door and I cut next through the pool area and I sneak in. "Well Lisa Winters, it's been such a long time since I seen your pretty face." I turn and look. Cora's dad is slicing peppers. I wave, "Hi to you too Mr. Green. Making chili?" He nods and puts the diced up peppers in the pot on the stove. "Is Cora home?" "Yeah she's in her room." "Ok thank you." I head upstairs and I pass Kane's room. Of course his room is mainly contained. Few dirty clothes here and there, otherwise its spotless besides his messy bed. I keep walking and I knock three times on Cora's door. "Hey Cora its Lisa, can I come in?" "Doors unlocked." I walk in and she's sitting at her desk with her computer looking at something.

She glances at me real quick and continues doing whatever on her computer. "Everything alright? Oh my God, Lisa what happened to you??" I look down and I realize the run through the woods was worse than I thought. I have a bunch of scratches on my arms and legs, then the cut from the rock is still bleeding badly. I shrug. I tell Cora everything I could about Jake and I to try to sidetrack her. Including how I feel for him. "Please Cora, don't tell Jake, or anyone else." She looks at me then goes to the guest bathroom down the hall. I hear running water and I see her walking back with a wet washcloth. "Sit." I sit on the chair while she helps cleans my wounds. When she starts to clean my knee I yelp and pull my leg back. "How did you hurt yourself this bad Lisa? And why were you running through the woods?" I look down at her. I look in her seaweed colored eyes. She cares. "Chase wanted to talk and I ran out on him." She raises one eyebrow and keeps cleaning. She gets the dirt outta the cut and then cleans it with more water. "Do you love him?" I shake my head, "Who?" "Chase you doorknob." I giggle. But I think. I don't answer her at first. I don't love Chase as much as I used to. It hasn't been the same. Maybe because we were friends for so long and maybe I'm not used to dating anyone. Chase is my first boyfriend. But I already know I'm not his first girlfriend. "Lisa I can see the pain in your eyes, leave him before the pain gets worse." All of a sudden the tears come pouring out. I tell her everything that has happened with him and I. I tell her how he abused me and till this day he doesn't stop.

I remember a really bad argument between Chase and I few months ago after school, he got mad because I told him to leave me alone after he kept trying to pressure me into stuff I don't wanna do. "I can't believe you Lisa! You don't care about me at all!!!" I'm standing at the kitchen counter bawling. Chase is right in my face yelling at me. "No no no Chase that's not true! Please don't say that." "No Lisa I mean it! You don't care! You are such a selfish and careless person! I hate you!! I wish you would just go away. Can't believe all of this has been a lie! I can't believe you! I don't even wanna look at you right now." I put my hand over my mouth and I run to my room and I hide. I hear Chase punch the wall and him screaming. I pull the covers over my head and I don't come out til I know he's in his room. Veronica comes home a few hours later and she sees the state that I'm in, "Oh my, Lisa, are you alright? What happened?" I shrug. If only she knew of what happens when she's gone. "Long day I guess. Been busy with school and Dakota." She nods and heads off into her room to change. I silently shed some more tears. I don't remember when I cried this often.

"Ow that hurts!" After telling Cora about my relationship problems, she's recleaning my wound with hydrogen peroxide. I yank my leg back and rub it with my shirt. "Lissy, its gonna hurt you know. And I'm not talking about your cut." I look at her and I know what she means. I gotta end it with Chase. Suddenly my phone lights up. Cora grabs it and hands it to me. "Its Jake." I take a deep breath and I answer.

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