Chapter one

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There was a girl named Lisa Winters. Everything was amazing, she had friends, a great mom. A amazing life. But until that fateful day.... When her life was ruined.

I walk in from the back yard from shooting my bow and arrow. I put my bow down and walk into the kitchen and say, "Mom you home? Mom?" Then I see her making something on the stove, " Oh hi sweetie I didn't hear you come in." I look in the pot to see what she's making. Yum mac and cheese!! I lick my lips and say, "Mom.. can Chase come over and eat dinner with us?" She glances at me and stops mixing the dish, she sets the spoon down and says, "I don't know Lisa... I have a lot to do around here anyway I don't need to worry about you two. But.... I guess you can bike over to his house." I squeal and do a little jump and give her a quick hug and peck on the cheek and run to my room to get ready.

I try to find my favorite, most cleanest shirts ever and only come up with three. I already have a pair of shorts on and finally picked a cute tank top and my hair pulled high. I slip on my sandals and grab my baseball cap and say bye to my mom and head to Chase's house.

I carefully put my bike on the side of the garage and skip up to the door. I check myself one more time before I knock on the door. A lady opens it and looks just like Chase and I smile, "Hi Mrs. Wilds is Chase home or around?" She shakes her head a little and says, "He's in the den playing his game. Want me to go get him?" I smile I already know what Chase is playing but I'm hoping he'll let me play too. Maybe. Mrs. Wilds takes me outta my trance and says, "Lisa do you know what the date is today?" I shake my head and say, "I'm sorry what?" "Do you know what the date is today?" I gasp, it's my birthday and the day Chase and I became friends.

I hug Mrs. Wilds and quickly take my sandals off and run to the den. I slow down when I get near the door, I straighten my tank top and fix my hair a bit and walk in. Chase is sitting on the couch playing COD WAW (Call of Duty World at War). I walk behind him and wrap my arms around his neck and say, "Happy best friend anniversary Chase." He pauses the game and puts the controller down and turns his head and smiles, "Happy birthday Lisa." All of a sudden I hear my mom's voice, "Lisa Chase come on let's go!" I look at Chase and he has no clue what's going on either. We walk down and my mom is waiting for us and says, "Lisa come on let's go for your birthday dinner."

We get in the car and mom starts driving. I'm in the front and Chase's in the back behind my mom. Chase and I play 20 questions and by the time we're done mom pulls up to Mike Sportsman's and I smile. This is my favorite place to go eat. We eat then mom gives us both five bucks and we go play the games there. All of a sudden we hear my mom yelling and a glass breaking, I look over and the bartender yells at her to get out so Chase and I hurry and follow her out.

We get in the car and mom doesn't seem like herself.. I think real hard. Oh my god she is drunk. She never gets drunk, yeah she'll drink a few but never get drunk. She starts the car and says to Chase, "Chase honey I'll drop you off unless you wanna sleep over? Up to you." Chase just shakes his head and says, "No thank you Ms. Winters I'll just go home." Mom starts driving on the highway then she drops her phone and goes to grab it then looks at the road and a deer is standing in the middle of the road. Mom tries to not hit it and swerves but the car starts flipping and I'm screaming and then it's all black.

I hear sirens, I feel Chases hand on mine, his voice telling me I'm gonna be ok. I try and look for my mom but I pass out before I look.

I fall into a sleepless sleep, and dream.

Lisa didn't think nothing of it she was going to a friends house. Her friend's name was Angel Hunters. Angel's house was deep in the woods. Liza asked her mom if she could go to Angel's house and spent the night. Her mom said,

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