Chapter Seven

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I get off of Chase's lap and grab Dakota's leash. Walk her inside and get a bowl of water while Chase closes the door behind him then we hear a knock on the front door.

I remember Veronica saying the neighbor were gonna drop off stuff for Dakota. I fix my tank top and fluff my hair a bit and open the door, I expected at least a older women but then Veronica is young. But nope a young man probably early thirties, looks at Chase and I then smiles and says, "Hi I'm Gavin and I live in that house down the street and Veronica said she has a puppy, she just bought and I have some things she would like."

I nod my head and take the toys, the small half empty bag of puppy chow, and say thank you to him and Chase closes the door. Chase helps put the stuff down and Dakota is sniffing her new toys. She grabs a bone and starts licking it then trying to chew it. Chase picks me up and spins me around and I giggle and yelp. He puts me down and I lean in and kiss him straight on the lips and I let my tongue explore his mouth and he does the same. I feel his hands slowly go under my tank top and on my stomach then my back. I shiver from goosebumps every time he touches me. I try and hold in a moan but I can't and he pulls me close then picks me up while we're still kissing and brings me to his room. He puts me down on his bed and carefully, lays on top of me so I put my hands under his shirt and he moans at my touch. I traced his chest, back, then his stomach.

He carefully takes my shirt off and I blush, I didn't have my nice bra on I had my colorful one. Chase didn't care, he loves me and I know it. He softly kisses down from my lips to my neck and I moan and then I take his shirt off... We both open our eyes for a second and I realize I only have my shorts and the bra on. Chase is shirtless, he's somehow in really good shape. I blush from thinking like that.

Chase slowly gets off of me and moves the covers a little and picks me up and carefully puts me down and covers me up and crawls in with me and pulls me close to him. I feel his warm breath by my ear, "I Love You so much Lisa Winters. You are this amazing, beautiful, loving, caring, smart, strong, and the funniest girl I've met and I love you for that. I hope we work this out without Veronica knowing. But who cares it's us against the world right Baby?" I doze off to him rubbing my stomach while my head is on his chest. I replay what he said with a smile on my face and a actual good dream came on.

The next morning I wake up and I realize I'm in Chases room still. I turn over and Chase is already watching me. He smiles and says, "Good Morning beautiful." Gives me a kiss on the lips and I say good morning too then I replay last night in my head and wow that I kinda want more to happen. Chase can tell I'm thinking so he pulls me on top of him and kisses my neck. Then Chase stops, we both hear a noise in the living room so I get up carefully open the door and Dakota runs in and tries to get on the bed so I help her. Yet I still heard a noise and I tell Chase I'd be right back. So I walk outta his room and I see something move by the patio door. I look and it's Veronica. She's shocked to see me in just shorts and a bra. "Uh hi Lisa.." I do a small wave at her and she asks, "Did you and Chase..sleep together last night?" I didn't wanna lie to her but I did sleep with Chase. I shake my head no and walk to my room.

I grab some clothes for a shower and head to the bathroom. I closed the door and strip the clothing I have left and take a hot shower. I take long hot showers. It helps me think and relax. I get out, get dressed, and walk outta the bathroom to hear Chase and Veronica talking. Well more of Veronica.

I hide and make sure I still can hear but won't get caught. "Chase what were you thinking?! You two almost had sex!! When I'm gone at a coworkers place you two decide to do it?!" I see Chase trying to not yell. He sighs and says, "Veronica we did not have sex alright? Lisa remembered everything and she needed support. I gave her support." Veronica scoffs and replies, "So making out with her and sleeping with her is your kind of support? Good job Chase just good job." Chase was pissed now. I could tell. He yelled, "I DID IT BECAUSE I FUCKING LOVE HER!!"

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