The person in front of us ducks just in time, and I realize it's Veronica. I drop the club and bend down, "Oh my gosh Veronica are you alright. We are so sorry." Veronica stands up and brushes herself off, "I'm fine Lisa. Now what the heck were you two thinking?!" We both look at Veronica and she's standing there with her hands on her hips, and a irritated look on her face. I clear my throat and rub the back of my neck, "Veronica its my fault. I thought someone was trying to break in." She looks me over and walks past us.
She glances around the living room, turns around and asks, "Who were those two girls that showed up around one in the morning?" I blush, and bow my head, "I invited them over. I needed them last night." I hear Chase suck in air loudly. He sighs deeply, and turns to look at me, "So I'm no help to you then? Did you just use me to make yourself feel better? We had a amazing night for your birthday. I didn't wanna ruin it. But then you had to ask about my mom and you wanted me to contact her. Well guess what Lisa, you might get your wish. I'm tempted to just call her and tell her I'm still alive. So she can hopefully take me back to my real home." I'm speechless. I shake my head and glance at Veronica. She's just standing there, watching us. I turn my gaze back at Chase. I wait a few seconds and carefully think this through, 'No Chase I didn't- I don't use you. I just wanted some of my old friends back. That's all I swear." He shakes his head stomps to his room, and slams his door. A minute passes by. He doesn't come out. Veronica stands there for a minute then she leaves also. I go outside. I need fresh air, badly.
I gasp and suck in the air like I'm starving for it. I fall down in the grass and slowly watch the sun set. I feel so warm. I relax in the grass and let go of my emotions. I cry, then doze off in the grass with tear stained cheeks. I wake up with a chill. I'm still outside, and it's almost pitch black out. I notice a flash of yellow light. I lift my head up, still a little drowsy. It's coming from Chase's room. I stand up on jelly legs and try to walk inside. My body wakes up by the time I get to the patio door. I open the door and I hear laughter. I head to his room. I carefully crack the door. I stare in shock. Crystal and Chase are sitting on his bed laughing. I back away. A million thoughts are running through my head. I go to Veronica's room. I need to talk to her. I open the door and she has her back to me. She's on her phone laughing also. I feel hot tears streaming down my face. No wonder why Chase didn't wake me and tell me to come inside. He somehow got Crystal's number and asked her to come over. I quietly head to my room. I turn my small desk lamp on and I hear Rose's voice before I realize she's sitting on the couch, "I wanted to see you Lisa, but I think Crystal wanted to see him." I choke on a sob knowing who she meant by "him". I slowly calm my breathing and ask, "How long have they been laughing?" She looks up at me and looks down, "I don't think all they did was laugh." My jaw drops. I put my hand over my mouth so I wouldn't scream. I feel more tears coming down. I fall down next to her. I wipe the tears away the best I could, "Why would Crystal do this?" She looks at me with pity eyes, "She's trying to get back at you for what happened at Spring Fling." I close my eyes. I know what she meant by that. Crystal said that she's over it and I'm forgiven.
It was during eighth grade. The Spring Fling was a big deal to everyone in middle school. Crystal, Rose, and I all had beautiful dresses on. Crystal's dress was a strapless dress, with a sparkly top. Then red ruffles that go down mid-thigh. Her blonde hair looked amazing with that dress. Rose's was wearing a dress that had a strap going around her neck and shoulders. The top was black and the rest was a light bubblegum pink. Rose's curly jet black hair matched the dress so well. I thought she looked better than Crystal. My dress was a teal dress with thick straps. The whole dress was wavy and it made my eyes pop out. I curled my hair a bit and put a shade of light pink lipstick on.
The three of us wanted boys to notice us. I didn't tell the girls but I hoped Chase would show up for me. Crystal was gonna go with her boyfriend Blake at the time. I never liked Blake. He always flirted with me. Tonight was different though. I wanted at least a few boys to notice me. When the two of us girls walked in the gym, at least a few guys looked at us. I scanned and looked around. Chase wasn't here. I close my eyes and try to not let disappointment get to me. Tonight I was gonna have fun. A guy asks Rose to dance and I smile. I walk over to Crystal and Blake. Blake turned his gaze from Crystal straight to me, "You look really nice Lisa." I nod, "Thank you Blake, but you should be telling Crystal that." He shakes his head and I notice Crystal is gone. Blake asks me if I'd dance with him. I smile and a slow song comes on.
We dance for a bit. Then right before the song ends. Blake leans in and kisses me on the lips. I smack him across the face, "How dare you?! You don't kiss your girlfriend's best friend Blake!!" He tries to pull me close to him but I'm quicker. I turn around and I stop. Crystal is standing there in full on heartbroken. I stutter my words, "Crystal it's not what you think. We didn't do anything. He went and kissed me, I didn't wanna kiss him. Believe me please." She shakes her head and walks away. I leave the gym and call my mom to pick me up. I went home and didn't talk to Crystal for a month.
I blink back more tears. I remember the way Crystal looked at me that night. I sob some more and look at Rose, "Why is she doing this? Why Chase?" She looks at me and glances down at my ring, "She wants to slowly get Chase on her side, and get him to love her as much as he loves you." I tip my head up and try to calm down. I stand up and we walk out into the living room. I listen. I hear someone whispering. I couldn't tell who it was. Rose is petting Dakota and looks up at me with pity. I turn around and I think that I need to end this before she takes the only thing that helped me. I walk straight into Chase's room and stop dead in my tracks. Crystal and Chase are making out.
They both are in the moment and don't notice me standing there. Chase's lips slowly go to Crystal's neck. She lets out a moan only I thought I made when Chase kisses me. I watch Crystal put her hands under Chase's shirt. Soon his shirt is off. I watch in shock. I quietly choke out words that are filled with sobs, "How could you Chase?..." His eyes open a little but then slowly close again. Crystal plays with his hair and whispers, "Why did you stop babe? I was having fun. Most fun I've ever had in awhile." I let out a loud cry. Chase pushes Crystal off him and grabs his shirt. He quickly stands up and I look at him through tears. His face is mixed emotions, his hair is all ruffled up, and he's breathing heavily. I glance at Crystal. She's the same way, but smiling knowing she got what she wanted.
I wipe my eyes and I shut them out. I hear Chase talking nonsense. Telling me that he didn't wanna and she needed help. That he would never cheat on me like this. He's so sorry and he loves me so much. That I'm the girl of his dreams and that's why he got me the promise ring. I walk away. Rose sees the state I'm in and tries to talk to me. I block her out too. I slam the front door. I walk and walk, thinking for a place to hide. All of a sudden my phone starts going off. I look at it and it's Chase calling. I shut my phone off and keep walking. I keep on walking til I reach the school. I past that and keep on going. I soon realize I'm in the town. I look at a sign that says, "Welcome to Easthaven Oregon." I keep on walking til I reach a library that's open all night. I head in. It's nice and warm. I see a clock and it's around eleven something. As long as no one finds me I'm good. I head to a computer and log in. I hear someone grab a book and I remember a book I wanna check out. I log out, and I head over to the P-section for Teen Fiction. I find Pushing the limits. Suddenly I hear a familiar voice, "What are you doing here this late Lisa?"
I turn and I see Jake in sweats and a sweatshirt. With earbuds around his neck. I shrug and pretend I'm reading. I feel Jake right next to me. I glance up at him. He has a face full of questions. I put the book back and wrap my arms around my chest, "What are you doing here Jake?" He smirks and replies, "Just looking for a place to hide. Now answer my question because I was a gentleman and answered yours first." I turn my head and think. Could I actually trust Jake with everything? Is he gonna be like Blake? Would he tell anyone just to humiliate me? I shiver from the cold. Jake takes his sweatshirt off and hands it to me, "I can tell by your face. I won't tell anyone. I promise." I slip the sweatshirt on and I feel warm immediately. I take a deep breath and I begin to tell Jake everything. Once I'm done Jake stands there in shock. Suddenly he wraps me in a hug. I cry even more. I had no clue how I still had tears left. But Jake didn't care I was getting his shirt soaked with tears. I finally got done having another meltdown. I went to give Jake his sweatshirt but he refused, "Keep it. Give it to me at school ok?" I nod, "Is there a way you can give me a ride home?" Jake shakes his car keys, "Yeah let's go." We walk out of the library and head to a 1969 Chevrolet Camaro. I stare at it. Jake sees my expression and laughs, "Pretty nice model huh?" I nod and hop in. I tell Jake my address and I roll my window down and let the air blow my hair all around. Jake glances at me, "So what are you gonna do about Chase?" I shake my head. Soon we reached my place. All the lights where on and I see Chase sitting on the front steps. Jake pulls in the driveway and I get out, "Thanks for the ride Jake." He nods and smiles, "Anytime Lisa. Here's my number in case you need me."

Love Never Gives Up (Changed) 1
RomanceWhen Lisa Winters gets into a car accident, because of her fucked-up mother; her whole world flips upside down. When Lisa and Chase finally admit their true feelings for each other after years of being best friends. Lisa screws up and makes a mess s...