"oh! i brought you some soup, movies, and a coke!" he says while putting it on the tray next to him.
"justin, you don't have to do this." i say
"no i do.. because you have" he cuts himself off "well. uhhh.."
"you know about my depression?" i ask
"uhm, well... yeah." he says while looking down at his hands
how in the world does he know? i mean i don't mind that justin knows, because i know he'll be there for me but he will want to know why and since everything happened i don't wanna get worked up again.
"justin, it's okay.." i say
"no jess, it's not "okay" depression is a very serious thing! and i know you say that you're okay, but you're not. you don't have to lie to me." he says while standing up, about to cry.
"justin i need you to relax." i say while pushing him back down "i mean sure im not okay now but i will be, i just need lots of rest and a lot of friends on my side." i say with a smile, and for some reason..
this smile felt real. i usually fake a smile be like "im great" then put on a show. but when im with justin.. that smile, it's real.
"okay" he says with a deep breath.
"okay" i smile
"uhh.. can i ask you somethin?" he says with a smile
"anything" i smile back.
"after you get better i was thinking.. do you wanna go on a proper date with me?" he asks nervously.
"i would love too" i giggle and look at the ground
"seriously?? oh that's.. that's great!" he says while jumping up
"did you think i would say no?" i say with a smirk
"well.. yeah. i mean you're so beautiful. why would someone like you go out with me?" he says
"i feel the same same way.. well besides the beautiful part" i say with a wink.
my mom walks in
"hey jessica, i have a visitor" my mom says.
"hey loser" seth says while walking towards me.
"seth!" i yell
he gives me the biggest hug ever.
"ive missed you kid." he says
"ive missed you too." i smile
he looks at justin and looks back at me.
"who is this?? is this the guy that made you come here?? i swear i will!" i cut him off
"no no no, this is justin. he's the one that got me here." i say while smiling at him and him smiling back.
he is just the definition of perfection.
"oh.. sorry about that. hi justin, im seth. her brother" he says while putting his hand out for justin to shake
looks nervous.
"don't worry.. i don't bite" seth says while laughing.
"seth, not funny." i say
he shakes his hand and smiles
"hi im justin. sam's cousin.." he says nervously.
"sam?" seth questions
"the boy that made her come here.." he says and looks to the ground.
seth let's go of his hand.
"jessica! how could you trust this boy??" seth shouts.
"because he has been sweet to me when sam wasn't, he's always been here, he helped me unlike you who was with dad when all of this was happening!!!" i shout back at him.
"how do you know i was with dad?" he asks nervously
"because im not stupid. that's why. seth you know how much i hate him. and you just go behind our backs. the least you could do is be honest. were you with him?" i ask while standing up.
he doesn't say anything for a few seconds.
"well?" i ask
"yeah.." he says.
"thought so. can you go? i don't want to start a fight with you." i say while sitting back down.
"yeah.. thanks for helping her justin. i hope we can get to know each other better." he says while leaving.
"sorry you had to see that.." i say to Justin.
"don't apologize!" he says while putting his hands out. "come give me a hug"
i walk to him and he hug him. he smells amazing. and he squeezes me so tight. i really needed a hug like that, i wanted to never leave that spot.

Romansai stared into his big beautiful brown eyes, and knew in that exact moment. that i fell in love with justin drew bieber.