Chapter 1- Smiling through hard times

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*Authors Note*

Hey guys Meagan here, so this is my first story and I'm actually writing this for my Personal Best project at my school which is kinda like a really big assignment, I chose to write a story so I thought well I'll put it on wattpad and hopefully you guys can give me some helpful tips on how to fix my story so it's a really interesting story that everyone will like. I most likely will ask if anyone can help me with more ideas for the story line. So ummm, enjoy my story and let me know if you like it I guess...... (;


Smile through the hard times,

Even though it doesn't seem to get any better,

Cause a smile is the first step to fixing things.


"Sophia! Get down here and make us breakfast now!" Waking up to my brother shouting at me is not how I like to start my day. But since I was born, this is the way it's been. I walk over to my closet of a bathroom which has a tiny shower head and toilet squeezed tightly in the corner. I undress and turn the shower on, I use my new strawberry body wash to clean myself. I sigh in relief as I feel the warm water wash over my body. Finally, I feel the water stop, I only get five minutes of water every day. I walk over to my towel and wrap it around my body and walk into my room. Looking around my room, I take notice of my scrap of a mattress and the small dresser and mirror in the corner.

when I was born my parents were disappointed that I was born as a girl and not a boy. My dad was the most mad. I was his first born and as a Beta he was expected to have a boy first to pass on the Beta title. Sadly, I was born and my parents hated me from the moment they first saw me. My dad so badly wanted a boy and a year later my brother Daniel was born. My dad doted on him. He treats him with love, care and everything he wanted, whereas I am treated with being beaten and being treated as the pack slave. Walking over to my dresser I put on a pair of grey track suit pants and a grey t-shirt. I'm not overweight at 80kg, but everyone from my pack tells me I'm fat daily.

Once I'm dressed, I pull out my mirror and start to pull my hair into a pony tail. I have dark blue hair and shining purple eyes. I didn't even look like my parents at all. My mum has blonde hair and green eyes; my dad has blonde hair and brown eyes while Daniel has blonde hair and green eyes like my mum. I am a disgrace to my family because of my looks and my weight. My body is covered in blue and black bruises and scars that haven't healed. I received them from the multiple beatings I have gotten from my 'family' and pack. The beatings have ranged from a small kick to a full on broken set of ribs.

The worst beating I've had was when I was 7 and my brother pushed me off a cliff. I only survived because I am a werewolf. That's another thing, I'm a werewolf, and when I find my mate I will be able to shift. Female wolves have to wait for their mates to turn of age to find out who their mate is and are able to shift.  But anyway it's my future Alpha Colton's birthday today and as the slave of my pack I have to prepare the party. I walk out of my room to see that Daniel is standing there with a scowl on his face.

"Hurry up you bitch! I'm starving!" I run downstairs and start making breakfast. I make lots of eggs, bacon, toast, hash browns and sausages. Everyone from my pack barge in and I get shoved into the wall. I try to sneak out of the room to start setting the lounge room up for the party tonight, when Jessica, the pack slut, notices me sneaking away.

'Hey slut! Get your fat ass over here!' I slowly walk over to her with my head down. The minute I get near her she tips her breakfast on my head and pushes me to the ground, she starts kicking me and I feel everyone joining in.


A couple hours later, I get up off the floor. Everyone has left me alone in the kitchen to go to school. I'm not allowed to go to school as I'm too much of a nuisance to everyone that they don't want to see me all the time. I walk into the living room and get the streamers and balloons, I set all the decorations up in only three hours and fall onto the couch in relief, I feel lots of pain coming from my limbs, and look down to see I'm slowly healing. 'Thank god for werewolf healing.' I think to myself while glancing at the clock. I notice that it's almost time for everyone to be home. I rush up the stairs to the attic where my room is.  I quickly change into a light pink dress and put my hair into a nice pony tail, hopefully no one will notice me while I'm at the party. I lay on my bed and pass out from exhaustion.





Bye guys xxxxx

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