Chapter 12- Training

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  • Dedicated to my good friend Teg-Han


Unfold your spirit to the sky

Allow your sacred dreams to fly

The universe answers that you truly are

More precious than Heavens brightest star



Today is the day I train everyone, I walked out into a field that we have for training, and waited for everyone to arrive, and once everyone did I yell

“Okay! Everyone pick a partner and label yourself as either A or B.”

Everyone starts to argue over who they were going to be, I wait until it gets quiet and start speaking again.

"Now, the people who are A's, you are going to be doing 100 sit ups, B's you are going to count the sit ups, then you will switch, got it?" I hear a lot of grumbling and complaining which causes me to growl,

"Okay! Go!" Everyone starts doing the sit ups while I sit down and do my own sit ups, by the time I get to one-thousand and twenty sit ups, everyone has finally finished.

"Ah, good, you are all done, now that was your warm up, you are all going to run thirty laps of the castle grounds, got it?" I was ready to let everyone run when some smart ass made a comment to me.

"Why do we need to run in our human form? We are only going to be in wolf form when we fight!" I look up to see who is talking, 'ugh, of course it's Jessica.' I mutter to myself. Looking at her she is wearing a short skirt that is the size of a belt and a top that barley covers her cleavage.

"Well Jessica, what would happen if Hunters found you and shot you with a silver bullet? You wouldn't be able to shift and would have to run."

She snorts at me, "yeah, like you would know anything about battling against hunters, I bet I could beat you in a fight!"
I growl and step towards her so I'm right in front of her. "You think so huh? Well let's test that, I challenge you to a fight until one of us is knocked unconscious."

She smirks and says "it's on bitch."

I smile and ready myself, 'she doesn't know what's coming for her' Dakota says evilly in my head,
Jessica smirks at me and leaps towards me, I dodge to the left and she growls and leaps at me again, I once again dodge and this time twist her arm behind her back, she growls even more. She wiggles out of my grip and this time when she lunges at me I use my powers of earth to make vines come out of the ground and wrap around her body, I walk up to her and start kicking her in the stomach and push her to the ground, I straddle her and start punching the living day lights out of her. I look down and see that she's covered in bruises and cuts and has passed out, I climb off her and smile at everyone, "so, you guys ready to run?" They all nod their heads and get ready to run the laps,

"hold on, you guys are going to do a little challenge for me, my little sister Eden is going to race you, if she can finish her thirty laps before all of you then you must do an extra twenty laps, if anyone beats her then whoever does can finish training early."

They all laugh and I growl at them causing them to stop, Daniel however keeps laughing,
"You want us, to race a ten year old girl? This will be so easy!"

I smirk and so does Eden who just came out into the clearing, "but you see my so called brother," I spit out the word brother,

"Eden has trained with me, and is just about as skilled as me, let's see how you go. Ready, set go!" Everyone started running with Eden leading them.

Ashton comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist and puts his head on my shoulder, "everything is set for when they return."

I smirk and turn around in his arms, "perfect" he grins and pushes me up against a tree and we start making out like there's no tomorrow, the feel of his lips on mine is like heaven, his lips soon leave mine which causes me to whimper until he latches onto my neck and his lips start making their way down my neck, I moan and he groans, which causes a vibration to go through my neck. I shiver in delight and start purring, he lifts me up and I instantly wrap my legs around his hips. He moves his head back up and kisses me full on the mouth again. I moan again which causes him to smile against my lips. Slowly and teasingly he lifts my shirt up slightly and slips his hands inside my shirt he starts to rub his hands up and down my sides until...

"Ahem!" I pull away from Ashton with a growl and turn around as he wraps his arms around my stomach again. I look over to see Colton standing there with a glare on his face with Eden in front of him. "Oh Selene! I beat them! All of them!" I smile and walk over to her and pick her up to put her on my hip. "Good job baby! I knew you could do it, now do you want to go inside and go play with Kayla?" She smiles and jumps out my arms and runs inside the house screaming "LET IT GO! LET IT GO!"

I smile and turn back to Colton the smile on my face instantly replaced with a scowl. "What do you want?" I spat at him. His expression turned to one of sadness and I only smirk in victory. "Selene, can I please talk to you, alone?" I look to Ashton and he just scowls until I hear his voice through the pack link. "I think you should go and talk to him, but if he lays even one finger on you, call me okay?" I smile and walk up to Ashton; I pull his head down and kiss him. "I love you." I whisper against his lips.
"I love you too." I pull away and walk inside with Colton; I take him to the lounge room and sit down. "What do you want to talk about?" I growl at him, he looks hurt and I smirk at the thought that I can cause him pain, "I want to apologise for everything I did two years ago. I'm sorry for rejecting you I missed you." I look at him shocked and angry. "Why are you apologising? It doesn't seem like you missed me if a couple days after I faked my death you went and marked and mated someone else!" I glare at him and he whimpers. "I didn't mean to, my dad was pressuring me to, I would have been kicked out of the pack if I had. Plus I thought you were dead!" I walk over to him and poke him in the chest, "that still doesn't mean you can go and sleep with the first slut you see!" I step away from him as he tries to grab my hands, "look Selene I didn't mean to mark her, I'm really sorry, can we at least go to being friends?" I glare at him,
"You really think apologising will make me run up to you and let everything go back to normal. There's no way!" I walk to the door before turning around and saying one last thing before leaving the room.

"Paybacks a bitch!" I slam the door and run up to the attic where Lulu, Zara, Will, Damon, Nicki, Monique and Ashton are waiting for me. "It's time." They all smirk and we spent the rest of the afternoon plotting.

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