Chapter 10- The past can hurt

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  • Dedicated to my good friend Teg-Han


Oh yes,

The past can hurt.

But, you can either run from it,

Or learn from it

-The Lion King



-Two Years Later-

It's been two years since the idea to join the two most powerful packs together, and it was a great decision. We are now the most powerful pack in the world. It has also been two years since I met Ashton and found out that he's my second chance mate. Since then he's been the best mate I could ever have. Every week he takes me out somewhere for a date and every anniversary he takes me to a beautiful restaurant and treats me like a princess. On our first anniversary Ashton actually marked me and we completed the mating process. I smile as the memory of that night comes into my head.


I walk into the kitchen and sit down, I start to flip through a magazine, when someone walks into the room, looking up I see Ashton and smile. He comes up to me and kisses me, "happy anniversary my darling." He pulls a small box out of his pocket and I open it. I gasp at what's inside; lying in the box is a beautiful gold chain necklace with a golden locket on the end of it. The locket is in the shape of a heart and has our names on the front of it; inside the locket is a picture that Lulu took of us one afternoon after we came back from a run. In the picture we had just shifted and Ashton had pulled me towards him and kissed me. I smile and Ashton helps me put the necklace on. "Now my darling Selene, tonight at seven wear the dress that you wore for your coronation and meet me outside, we are going on a date." I smile and run upstairs to get ready.

A couple hours later I look at a clock in my room and see that its already seven, I walk downstairs and outside to see Ashton standing by his car, he looks amazingly handsome, he's wearing a white button down shirt and black pants. He holds my door open for me and puts a blindfold over my eyes, when we arrive he helps me out of the car and takes my hand leading me somewhere.

After a little while of walking, Ashton stops me and takes the blindfold off, what I see makes me gasp, he has taken me to a beautiful clearing in the forest that has a little pond with a waterfall, and in front of my is a picnic basket with a picnic mat on the ground.

"It's so beautiful, thank you Ashton." We both go and sit down on the mat, where he lays out my favourite foods for us to eat; he lays out chicken wings, salad, chocolate brownie and Sunkist. All my favourites! "I can't believe you put in all this effort just for me."

He held my hand and looked me in the eyes, "why wouldn't I put a lot of effort into our date? I love you and would do anything for you."

He moves towards me and kisses me, soon we start a full make out session, and he starts kissing me down my neck until he reaches where he is meant to mark me, I moan as his starts to nibble on my neck. "Ashton just mark me already." I mutter out between a moan. I feel his canines lengthening and I feel him bite into my neck; all I can feel is pain until the pain subsides and all I feel is pleasure. I lean my head towards Aston's neck and feel my canines extend, I lick his neck before I bite into his neck. He moans as I lightly suck on the spot that I had just bitten and wipe the blood away. I look at where I marked him; on his neck is a beautiful mark of his midnight black wolf and my silver wolf, with 'Selene and Ashton" written below the wolves. "It's so beautiful" he smiles down at me and kisses me again. Once again, we are in a full make out session; somehow we end up with no clothes and finally complete the mating process.


Talking of mates, it turns out that Lulu's mate is Ashton's brother Justin, and a couple days after the ball Damon admitted that Zara is his mate and they are now engaged. Also it turns out Nicki was pregnant but she lost her baby at three months. Will is still looking for his mate and is hoping that he will find her soon. I'm being trained on how to rule the kingdom and I've had a personal trainer since a week after the ball. I also found out what my tattoo with the cross and crown means, the crown means a royal and the cross means that I can control the four elements, since the ball I have learnt how to control my powers and I can now use them all at once. The vines on my arms I found out were an urban legend until they appeared on Ashton and my skin. It was told many years ago by a witch that a girl who was rejected by her mate will be granted with another mate who is her soul mate, they will both be known as soul mates by vines that seep up their arms and have the words soul mate in Latin entwined in the vines, it was told that these two soul mates would win the ultimate war that could either make or break the supernatural world. Since the legend is true Ashton and I have to train and prepare ourselves for the war, there have been rouge attacks but nothing serious. I have heard of a plan that the hunters have come up with of a species of Humans crossed with Panthers. They are called Pantera's and have been created to apparently wipe the Werewolf species from existence. But since there has been no sign of threat from them we haven't bothered with worrying about them.

"Selene, dad wants you in his office." I smile at Will and walk down to my dad's office. "Daddy you wanted me." I say as I open the door, looking inside I see that my dad, mum and Ashton are waiting for me. "Selene you might want to sit down for this." I sit down and Ashton sits beside me, "what's wrong daddy? What happened?" He tries to smile but has a grim expression on his face. "Now Selene, I called you here to tell you that a pack has been attacked by the species know as the Pantera and need our help, they are going to stay here with us." I nod,

"Why does this concern me, we are going to help them aren't we?" dad looks to mum and she nods,

"Well Selene, the pack we need to help are the Blood Wolf pack." The minute I hear the name of my old pack I feel fear wash over me, "no." I mutter, "No! I don't want them here! They are going to ruin everything I built, they abused me dad! How can you let them stay with us?" I start to sob "I'm sorry Selene, we couldn't turn them down, and they need our help." I look up with tears streaming down my face, I walk out of the room and outside, I then start to sprint, I sprint into the forest and shift, once I'm in my wolf form I take a calmer deep breath, I start to sprint again, I could hear someone catching up to me so I stopped and saw Ashton approaching in wolf form, he walked up to me and nuzzled my neck. I nuzzle up to him as he talks to me through the mind link we share.

'It will be okay Selene, I promise, you have to show them what an amazing independent woman you have become.'

I nod my furry head and ask him 'when are they getting here?' he licks me on the side of my face and replies, 'tomorrow morning.' I shift and soon he does too, I yawn and he picks me up just as I start to close my eyes,

"Okay time for bed for you."

I smile and he takes me to our room and lays me in bed and cuddles up to me.

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