Chapter 16- War

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This will be the day we've waited for

This will be the day we open up the door

I don't wanna hear your absolution

Hope you’re ready for a revolution

Welcome to a world of new solutions

Welcome to a world of bloody evolution

In time-your heart will open minds

A story will be told

And victory is in a simple soul



It's the morning of the battle and I'm terrified, I fear for not only the lives of my pack but the lives of my unborn children.

The second I step outside a already shifted Pantera lunges for me, she is a dark black colour, the way she growled and me to the floor makes me think she’s insane, I shift and charge at her. She jumps back in surprise; I take this as a blessing. I bite into her neck as hard as I can, hitting teeth on bone on teeth.

I quickly pull her throat out and move onto the next one, I quickly jump onto the back of a Pantera and rip their head off. Then I use my powers of earth to squash Pantera's between tree trunks, I next move on to using fire and water to kill them, looking around there is still no sign of Celesta. I manoeuvre my way through the battle and reach the centre of the forest, the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end.

"Must protect pups, protect!" Dakota is loudly shouting in my ear and I turn around suddenly and someone jumps down from a tree, she has black straight hair and a scar that runs down her face. "Princess Selene, how I've waited for this day, I will take great pleasure in killing you and your pups." She smirks and I feel anger take over me, I shift quickly and she shifts as well, she lunges for me and I dodge, she just misses my hind leg. I leap towards her and grab onto her tail and throw her in the air, she lands smashing into a tree, but is soon back up and jumps onto my back, I bite onto her stomach and start to rip at her fur, she jumps off me and aims for my leg again, this time I'm prepared and as she jumps I attach onto her back and take a massive bite out of it. She howls in pain and I smirk, I quickly shift and use my powers to attack her next, I throw a ball of water at her which causes her to choke, then I create a small tornado strong enough to locks her to the ground where I create a hole in the ground and lift her up before jumping onto her and ripping her throat out and ripping her head off, chucking it to the ground I burn the last remains of the Pantera leader.

I run back out into the battle field and smell the stench of blood, I don't get much time to think before I'm pushed into a tree and have a Pantera growling at me, he lifts his paw and scratches me on the face, I growl at him and shift, I quickly tackle him and start to take bites out of him until he is laying under me, dead.

I look up and notice that almost all the Pantera's are dead and luckily not very many of my pack are dead. Only a few are injured. I stumble over to Ashton as there is a chunk missing from my leg thanks to Celesta. "It's done, we won." I force out before darkness takes over.


Opening my eyes all I see is white. 'Ugh, I'm back in the hospital.' I turn my head to the right and see Ashton asleep holding my hand. I start poking him but he doesn't even stir. "Well I guess I'll just have to go find Colton to satisfy my sexual desires." His head snaps straight up,

"No." I smile at him sweetly.

"What's that darling?"

"I don't want you near him unless you guys are only being friends." I smirk and climb into his lap,

"I love you and only you. I promise you that."

He smiles and leans up to kiss me. But just before his lips touch mine someone knocks on the door. Colton pops his head around the corner.

"Am I able to talk to you Selene for a little bit?"

I look to Ashton and he nods, "okay but only for a little bit."

Colton smiles and Ashton leaves the room, Colton comes over and sits down next to me,

"Selene I'm really sorry for everything I've done to you, I was scared about having a mate, I wasn't ready, but now I understand what a mistake I made. I love you but I know you’re happy so I won't try to split Ashton and you up because I know how much you love him. But I'd like to at least be friends?"

I smile and take his hand, "I would like that a lot."

A grin spreads across his face and he pulls me into a hug, "I promise Selene, I will make up for everything I've done, oh and by the way, what you did to Jessica’s hair was the funniest thing ever, I don't know why I keep her around, she's an annoying bitch." I nod and grin

"Well if you don't want her around then you could ask my mum for another mate and you could truly be happy."

He smiles and nods, "I think I would really like that."

He kisses me on the check and leaves the room, leaving me to sleep for the rest of the day.

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