Chapter 14- Battle and my little miracle

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  • Dedicated to my good friend Teg-Han


They see you as small and helpless
They see you as just a child
Surprise when they find out that a warrior will soon run wild



The sounds of sirens make me jump and run outside, approaching our territory are women and men wearing black skin tight outfits with leather jackets and straight black hair, “Pantera’s” I mutter. We are completely outnumbered, there looks to be at least a thousand of them compared to our small three hundred. There is no way we are going to win this battle. The second I step outside a already shifted Pantera lunges for me, she is a dark black colour, the way he growled and me to the floor makes me think she’s insane, I shift and charge at her. She jumps back in surprise; I take this as a blessing. I bite into her neck as hard as I can, hitting teeth on bone on teeth. It isn’t as gross as you would think – it is thrilling. This is my first time actually fighting a proper battle as an animal and it is way better than as a human; because as a human – it’s your animal instincts with your human mind and human body. As a wolf you are pure animalistic. A little blood doesn’t scare you.

I bite his throat out. I take what I have grabbed in my mouth and jerk it as briskly away from the Pantera as I can, pleased with to see the blood gush out of her mangled whatever is left of her neck.

The next Pantera is black like the first one except it smells disgusting. He pins me to the ground with his paws on mine and before I can buck him off je sticks his snout up to my face and growls, showing his teeth. I choke on air, there’s a thing called toothpaste.

The she does something unexpected, I say she because no male knows this trick. She pushes her paws on to my chest hard, GODDAMN. PLAY DIRTY BITCH well played.

 Bucking her off me and turning to the side is difficult with the burning agony in my breasts. You think someone punching your boobs hurt? Try standing on them.

I turn to her and find her smirking, and quickly shift and use my powers to have her twitching on the ground, suffocating.

I don’t even have time to shift before the next Pantera jumped on my back and twisted my neck. The last thing I see is the sky, the last thing I want to see when I am laying belly down on the ground.


I come to at the sound of hysterical laughter. “Whu-what happened?” I mumble half blind. All noise ceases. “oh thank goodness you’re okay.” Slowly I am able to get rid of the grogginess clouding my eyes and take in my surroundings.

My mum and dad are on my direct left. Eden and Kayla are in their laps, Lulu, Zara, Monique and Nicki are standing at the edge of my bed, Daniel is standing in the back of the room with Ethan, Justin, Colton and Alec, and Ashton is sitting directly on my right holding my hand.

“Will someone tell me what happened?”

“You almost died, I swear Selene if I lost you, I don’t know what I would do.” I smile and look over at Ashton and smile, “don’t worry, nothing can take me down that easily.”

He smiles and kisses me before looking concerned and placing his hand on my stomach. “Selene, there’s another thing; the doctor told us that you are three weeks pregnant. It’s a miracle that you and the baby survived.” Tears start to well in my eyes as I hold onto my stomach not truly believing that inside me is a tiny creature that Ashton and I created. “I love you so much.” He smiles and everyone starts to leave the room. He climbs under the covers and starts to stroke my stomach and whisper things to our baby.

‘Our baby, it’s too good to be true’ I smile and start to fall asleep to the sounds of my mate talking to the tiny child inside me.

“I love you baby and I can’t wait to see you. mommy and daddy love you so much, I don’t care if you are a boy or a girl I just want you to know that I love you with all my heart, my little miracle.”

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