Chapter 5- A family??

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*Authors Note*

Here's chapter 5. This is a little different this time, it's in Colton and Daniels POV. Thanks to Monique  and Tegan for editing. You're the best friends ever.






The bond that links your true family is not one of blood,


but of respect and joy in each other’s life.








Walking around I look towards two little girls that looks to be three and seven, one of them has purple hair and the other has dark blue hair, they smile at me and come running towards me, i lift the one with black hair and start tickling her, she starts giggling and says “Selene! Selene! Come and play with us!” i smile and reply with “okay Kayla, come on Eden, let’s go find Will and Damon and see if they want to play.” I grab who must be Eden’s hand and lead her inside to where two boys aged twelve and what looks like seventeen are playing a video game. They look up the minute that we enter and Eden runs up to the youngest boy and climbs into his lap and starts chattering away to him. I smile and a faint word appears in my mind.... Family.












I bolt awake and look around suddenly confused about what my dream was about. “huh, that was a weird dream.” I mutter to myself. I climb out of bed and go to my closet to get dressing, i quickly put on a simple pale blue summer dress and matching flats. I brush my hair then walk down to the kitchen where Nicki is serving food, everyone is there and they greet me, and Ethan walks up to me and tells me “I’m meeting the Queen today as we are the pack that are their royal guards, would you like to come with me to meet her and be introduced as a member of my pack?” I jump up and down and scream. “I can meet the Queen!? I’ve always wanted to meet her!” I squeal again and jump into his arms hugging him. He laughs and tells me “well then meet me outside in five minutes and we can go.” I go upstairs and grab my phone and walk downstairs and outside to Ethan’s car and see he’s waiting for me. He opens the door for me and off we go.


After about an hour of driving Ethan tells me a story of the King and Queens missing daughter. “Um Soph, I also wanted you to come with me because you look like the lost princess, you see when the lost princess was ten she was kidnapped by a pack and taken away from her family, she had dark blue hair and purple eyes, just like you. I believe that you might be the lost princess.” I smile and shake my head. “No, I couldn’t be her because there’s nothing special about me.” I close my eyes and fall asleep before I get his reply.


Waking up a couple hours later i notice that its around about midday and that we are pulling up to a castle. I gasp as I look at the beautiful castle in front of me. Ethan stops the car and I get out, he leads to the door in which a beautiful woman is standing there. Ethan bows and I follow his lead and curtsy. “Ethan, welcome, come in please.” She leads us to the lounge room and we sit down, “now Ethan, who is this lovely lady?” She looks towards me, “this is Sophia, she was from the Blood Wolf pack, but her mate rejected her and she ran away, so I have taken her in.” The Queen takes my hand and I see her eyes widen, she calls out the King and he comes rushing in, “yes Naomi, what is it my darling?” She smiles up to him, “Adrian, our dear Selene has returned to us.” I look confused at her as Adrian starts to silently sob and cradles me into tight hug. “Wait, what? Please explain to me what is happening?” Queen Naomi turns to me and says “well Sophia, several years ago my daughter was taken away from me and I was granted by a witch that the minute I touched my daughters hand I would be able to tell that she was my daughter, and dear you are my daughter Selene Bella Moon.” I stare at her shocked “but I have a mother and father already.” She frowns and says “dear, when you were ten you were kidnapped by a member of the Blood Wolf pack, his name was Ross Blackwell, we searched for years looking for you but Ross and his pack seemed to disappear, I knew why he wanted you though. He wanted a royal child to make the royal family do anything he wanted, but when he took you he noticed that you were a girl and was a sexist man and believed that you couldn’t help him so he wiped your memory and told you that you were his child and turned you into his slave. Luckily now you are away from that horrible man and are back home with your true family.” I smile and start crying. “Mummy, Daddy!” I leap into their arms and I feel truly at home. Looking up i realise that i am truly their daughter as my mother has dark blue hair like me and I have her eyes as well as my dad’s features. Suddenly two girls barge into the room and I recognise them as the girls from my dream. Eden and Kayla come running up to their parents. “Mamma, who is this girl?” Eden asks them. My mum replies with “Eden and Kayla this is Selene your sister, she found her way back to us.” Their little faces light up in joy and I run up to them and engulf them in a hug as i cry even more and my parents come up and hug us. The girls start to cry as well because they never believed that their sister would ever come back home to them. We finish crying and Ethan helps me off the ground, The Queen stands up and pulls him into a hug, “oh Ethan thank you bringing my daughter back to me.” He smiles and hugs her back, I look up suddenly worried, “mum dad I only remember the girls because of a dream I had and you guys because you told me I’m who I am, what will happen now? Will I get my memory back?” Mum looks worried as well “we will have to wait for the moon goddess to give you your memory back. We will also call you by Sophia until you get your memory back okay?” I nod and she then looks to the clock and notices that it’s very late. “Well Ethan, why don’t you take Selene to her room, you know which one.” He takes my arm and leads me to a door that has a sign on it that says ‘Selene’s Room’ i open the door and instantly feel at home, the room is like my one at Ethan’s pack except that it looks like it’s been used, obviously by me but still.


“Home.” Aurora whispers. “Yes, we are home.” I climb in bed and fall asleep with a smile on my face.



There you go, another chapter. Once again, let me know what you liked, didn't like and any ideas you have for me.





Bye guys xx

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