Chapter 8- The ball

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  • Dedicated to my good friend Teg-Han

*Authors Note*

See, told you, another chapter, thanks heaps to my editors Monique and Tegan, I know you've been working hard with school work and editing this story and thank you heaps for helping me, I don't know what I'd do without you two,




The first time I saw you,


I knew that it was true,


That I’d love you forever and that’s what I’ll do,


You don’t know what you do to me,


You don’t have a clue,


You don’t know what it’s like loving you






The ringing of an alarm clock wakes me up, looking over i see its eight in the morning, i get up and start waking the girls up, everyone is up except for Zara who sleeps like a bear, quietly giggling us girls come up with a plan to wake her up, she run to the bathroom and grab a bucket each, filling each of them with ice cold water we walk back over to Zara, on the count of three we tip the water onto a sleeping Zara, she screams as the cold liquid covers her in seconds. She jumps up and chases us out of my room, within seconds she catches us and only then do we realise what today is. “Oh. My. God! Selene! We have such a short amount of time before the party! Only nine hours!” Monique shrieks, we run down to breakfast then go back up to my room where the girls dress me up, i wear the purple dress that Nicki chose for me, all the girls are wearing the dresses they chose for me and Nicki is wearing a matching dress to Monique only in blue and white. Lulu and Zara do my hair, they put my hair up in a sophisticated hairstyle, and apply light makeup to me, looking in the mirror i cant believe that the girl looking back at me is actually me. “Do you like it?” Monique asks me. “I cant believe how beautiful i look, thank you guys!” i grab onto them and pull them all in a group hug.  I put on nice black heels and we walk downstairs to where my family and the boys are waiting, the boys go to their mates and my parents come over to me and give me a hug, “oh sweetheart you look beautiful.” My mum gushes over me and i blush. “Now Selene, we are going to properly introduce you to everyone but first you must wait behind this curtain until we announce you, alright?” i nod and he kisses me on the cheek, “ill see you soon, i love you” he whispers in my ear, “i love you too daddy” i whisper back. Everyone walks off and i wait for myself to be announced.


I smile when i hear my dad start talking, “ Ladies and Gentlemen, ive call you all together today for a matter of some great personal importance to me and my family. As im sure Naomi and i were blessed with five beautiful children. However tragedy struck for our family when six years ago our eldest daughter was kidnapped from our home, in wake of her kidnapping we searched for her for years on end for any sign of where she could have gone only to come back with nothing. “


He stopped to let everything set in, “a couple days ago Naomi and I were surprised to find some evidence about our missing daughter that finally put this painful portion of our lives to rest for good. As King, i would love to introduce to you my missing daughter Selene Bella Moon.” The curtain opens and i start to walk down the stairs, everyone gasps in surprise after believing that they would never see me again. I walk up to my mum and dad and they kiss me on the cheek, then dad stands in front of me and places a tiara on my head, “i pronounce you Selene Bella Moon, Princess of Werewolves and the Heir to the Kingdom and Supernatural world.” Everyone claps as i curtsy and walk off the stage to dance with my dad.




After several hours of dancing with my brothers and just about every man in the room, i finally sit down to have a drink. “Would the beautiful princess like to dance?” I look up and instantly blush, standing before me is a gorgeous guy with silver hair and deep blue eyes, he has a toned and buff body and i feel like im going to faint just by the sight of him. He smiles a gorgeous smile that makes me giggle and look to the floor, he holds out his hand and i grab it, the minute my hand slides into his a bright light shines from our hands, i gasp as i look down to our hands and see that black vines are weaving their way up our arms that are clasps together, the vines have small leaves and have silver, purple and blue flowers along the vines, with the world ALTER up the vine.

“my names Ashton, I'm the alpha of the Dark Moon pack. Now, Princess Selene.” He says “I Ashton Tyler Rosewood accept you Selene Bella Moon as my mate.” I smile and blush then reply, “Selene Bella Moon accept you Ashton Tyler Rosewood as my mate.” He laughs and picks me up and spins me around.  He then leans down and presses his lips to mine, i feel sparks take over and my parents come over and lead me and Ashton up to the stage. “Everyone, i have an announcement  to make, i would love to introduce you to my daughters mate, Aston Tyler Rosewood the prince of werewolves and future King to the Werewolf kingdom and the Supernatural world.”

We smile and everyone applauds while Ashton puts his arm around me. “i know we only just met but you are my mate and i think i love you.” I grin and pull him into a kiss “i love you too.”  I turn towards my dad, “dad how come the Blood Wolf pack didn’t come tonight?” his expression turns grim, “their Alpha said they had something  more important to do than come and meet the missing princess.” Anger consumes me but also sadness, “well its their loss.”

Ashton smiles and tightens his grip on me, “thats my girl.” I smile and yawn, “well i guess thats our signal to leave, um Mr Moon, is it okay if i stay with Selene tonight?” my dad smiles, ‘yes Ashton that is fine and also call us by our names, you are our future son in law, theres no need to be so formal.” He nods his head and we say our goodnights and Ashton carries me upstairs in the bridal position and lays me down in bed, i quickly change and see hes already in bed in his boxes waiting for me, i smile and cuddle up to him, the last thing i hear before going to sleep is his whispered ‘i love you.’








*Authors Note*

Hopefully, sometime this week chapter 9 will be ready to upload.





Bye guys xx

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