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"Meow. Meow"

Camila tried to look for the source of the small meows but failed miserably. She's sitting at Lauren's living room, waiting for her friend to finish changing. They have plans for the weekend with Dinah and Normani who insisted on shopping. They'd been hanging out a lot for awhile now and since Camila lived couple of blocks away from Lauren, she would normally drop by her house and they would usually go to school together. Lauren didn't mind it though, she loved spending time with the other girl.

Camila dropped on her knees and looked under the couch, hearing the sound slightly louder from there. She isn't surprised to find a pair of glistening eyes staring back at her.

"Come here, baby." Camila cooed.

The cat purred its way to Camila and started scratching its body against her legs. Camila picked the cat up and sat it comfortably in her lap. She was stroking its neck when Lauren came down, ready to go.

"I see you met my Fish." Lauren smiled.

"Fish?" Camila asked, confused.

Lauren walked towards Camila and touched the cat's ears. The cat responded by purring against her.

"Yeah, this handsome guy here. He's Fish."

"Why would you name your cat Fish?"

Lauren nudged Camila to go outside with her so they can catch the next bus. The bus stop is a five-minute walk from her house so she decided to tell Camila her cat's story. Camila slowly placed Fish by the couch and started heading outside with Lauren.

"So you see, I've always really wanted a pet. But my mom won't let me have one saying it's too much of a responsibility and that I quote 'You can catch an asthma or something'. "

Lauren said, doing air quotes with her fingers. Camila just looked at her, so she decided to continue.

"And she was like 'If you really like a pet that much, go buy a fish. It's low maintenance plus no furs.'

"So I was like, 'But Mom, I want a cuddle buddy. I don't think I can cuddle a fish'." Lauren whined. "And she was like 'Well if you really want one, I'll just buy you a bear. Go cuddle that instead'.

"And I really love stuffed animals so I just kinda agreed with her. She got me Wookie then, who became my cuddle buddy." Lauren elaborated.

'Wookie?' Camila thought.

"Wookie's the bear. He's like 5ft something. I'll show him to you sometime." Lauren said, answering Camila's thoughts.

"Oh, okay. So how'd you get Fish then?"

"So I was walking down the street one day, and it's kinda starting to rain. I saw him sitting in the middle of the street, like literally just right there," and Camila smiled at Lauren's antics in trying to tell the story.

"-and the cars are like honking at him but he won't move. So I kinda picked him up and brought him home. He's just a kitten that time and he just stayed silently in my arms while we're walking home."

They got to the bus stop and waited for the next bus to arrive. Camila leaned in the post and nudged Lauren to continue.

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