"I'm just doing what the fortune cookie said! Who am I to stand in the way of fate?" Lauren heard Dinah say as they arrive at Normani's house.

"I don't think that's a good idea. Let's do it!" Normani answered.

"Yass bitch! I know there's a reason I'm friends with you." Dinah giggled, flipping the piece of paper in the air.

Lauren and Camila just stared at them. Camila, confused, walked towards Dinah and grabbed the paper. Lauren followed behind and looked over the piece of paper.

"What is this?" Camila asked, reading the paper that still has crumbled cookie bits.

"Oh no Dinah we are so not drinking tonight." Lauren said, hearing the girls' thoughts.

"Bitch, how'd you even know we're planning on drinking?" Dinah eyeing Lauren suspiciously.

"Duh?" Lauren said, snatching the paper from Camila's hands.

Twenty minutes and few arguments later, they are heading back home from the convenience store holding a dozen of beer, some chips and a bottle of tequila. Lauren couldn't even fathom how Dinah managed to get a fake ID. Not that they needed it anyway. Dinah said her 'charms' were enough.

"Guys, my long-time friend Ally is dropping by to hang out, is that okay?" Dinah asked.

"Ally? As in Allyson? I missed her!" Normani said as she opened the door to her house.

"If it makes you comfortable Mila, Lauren hasn't met Ally too." Normani assured Camila, sensing the awkwardness of the other girl.

"It's okay. I bet she's nice."

"Oh she is. One of the reasons I'm inviting her over is so someone will look up for us once we're all drunk. And yes, I'm getting your Cuban ass drunk tonight." Dinah winked.

Lauren rolled her eyes at her friends' antics. She's pretty sure they just want to ask Camila if she's into girls so they can pair them together. Ugh, her friends are sometimes a little too much.

Lauren sat by the couch and turned the TV on. Camila sat beside her, holding a bag of chips. Normani was preparing the drinks and Dinah is sitting at the floor, taking selfies. The doorbell rang and Dinah was at the door by the third ring.

"Smallz!" Dinah squeaked, hugging the small, blonde girl.

"Hey! How are you? I missed you." Ally cooed.

"Normani's at the kitchen, and I have two Cuban asses I want you to meet."

"Walz! Lauser!" Dinah said, calling the girls' attention. "This is Ally. Ally, that's Camila, and Lauren is that one with the pretty green eyes."

"Nice meeting you." Ally hugged both of the girls.

"Is that Allyson I'm hearing?" Normani said, walking from the kitchen, holding a tray with chips and five bottles of beer.

"Mani! Looking as gorgeous as ever!" Ally greeted, hugging Normani by the waist.

"Just in time for fun!"

Ally became close with Camila and Lauren so fast that they are already laying on top of each other by their third bottle. They aren't drunk yet, just tipsy. They are having a good time and Camila throws on jokes that only Lauren finds funny.

"Okay one more, one more." Camila said, grabbing Lauren's hands. She looked Lauren directly in the eyes and said-

"Do you like reptiles?" Lauren smiled widely at her, without any idea what the girl is about to say next. She's not sure if it's Camila touching her, or it's the alcohol, but she can't hear any thoughts that isn't hers.

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