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When her parents talked to her about her capability to hear thoughts, she was twelve. Her mom and dad looked nervous sitting on the other side of the couch and Lauren wants to cover her ears to stop all the loud thoughts her parents are having. 

When she was five, she used to play around with her grandfather's old radio. Everytime she tried to tune it to a station, it'll overlap with a different station causing two programs to overlap, playing at the same time. It always hurts her ear. And it's just two stations . Imagine all the voices in her head, overlapping, all at once.

It's been happening a lot that Lauren should have been used to it. But she isn't. She can't be. Lauren has been experiencing sensory overload that usually would lead to panic attacks. It would just be so loud that she can't hear even her own thoughts.

"Can you please stop?" Lauren begged.

Her mom and dad looked at each other. They have talked about it a few times now and they thought it's the best time to confront Lauren about it.

They didn't talk to Lauren though. They spoke to Lauren through her head and were both amazed and surprised that it's really true. That it's really happening.

"Yes, I can. Are you afraid of me?" Lauren voicing her answer to her parents' questions.

"No, sometimes I can tune them out. But sometimes they get so loud that I can't handle it."

"I don't know, I would read or listen to music for distraction."

"No mom, I don't know if someone is lying or not based on their thoughts. People can lie even to themselves."

"And yes dad, I think mom wouldn't be angry that you ate her piece of cake."

Her dad eyed her, silently saying 'You little brat' in his head, while her mom playfully punched her dad.


"I-uh, I'm not jealous. Your face is accusing me that I am."

Lauren was thankful to hear that Dinah isn't suspecting anything. In fact, no one in the room is. All they're thinking about is how she's obviously jealous. She isn't even sure herself.

Camila snatched Lauren's hand and pulled her down, as if asking her to sit down. Lauren complied and sat beside the girl. Camila draped her feet to Lauren's thigh and faced her. Picking the glass of vodka and pointing it to Lauren, she cleared her throat. Everyone in the room eyed her, while she only stared directly at Lauren's eyes.

"I dare you, Lauren, to kiss me."

Camila's eyes are heavy-lidded, lust-filled, enticing, and it took everything in Lauren not to jump at the smaller girl. Everyone is at shock. No one is moving, and Lauren doubts anyone is breathing at the moment.

Camila started to lean in and Lauren almost let out a squeak. She closed her eyes and she can feel Camila's breath through her lips. Her heart is pounding too much that she's afraid she'll die from heart attack. Camila's hands found its way at the lower hem of Lauren's shirt, pulling it, as if asking her to be closer. She rested her forehead against Lauren's and she took a deep breath.

Lauren can't hear anything.

Thump. Thump. Thump.

Is that her heart, or Camila's? She's not sure too.

Lauren closed her eyes.

"You-Oh my God-guys! You should have-you guys-look at your faces!" Camila said in between laughs.

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