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"Okay Chanch, how many fingers am I holding?"

"A potato."

"Shit Walz, you're not okay. Come here." Dinah said, trying to pull Camila up.

So you see, Camila is not really the jealous type. She isn't. She isn't possessive, or territorial or anything near that. She's just, you know, worried.

'Yes, I'm just worried.' Camila thought and she isn't sure if she's trying to convince anyone but herself.

It's Friday night and she's drunk. Not that she has any reason to, she just wants to be drunk. But who is she kidding. Her drinking could possibly because she's missing someone. Someone who is a certain green eyed girl who she hasn't been able to hang out with lately. Someone who she used to be spending time with but suddenly found a boy toy and left Camila alone.

No, she wasn't really alone, per se. Al has been hanging out with them a lot and Lauren's attention has been drastically transferred from Camila to him. She would laugh at what Al would say even though it's not really funny. At least, Camila thinks so. She refused to accept that someone else would make Lauren laugh like she can.

Now, Camila is not jealous. She isn't when Lauren would tell her not to pick her up on her way because she's riding with Al. So, she isn't really bothered going to school alone, riding the bus with her headphones in. Not that Al hasn't offered to pick her up too, but she isn't really fond of the boy. She thinks something is a little off with him that she can't put into words. He just seems too sketchy for her.

"Dinah, stop." Camila groaned.

Dinah has been trying to pull Camila out of the small club where she has been drinking her heart out. Dinah is still at awe at how Camila managed to get in the first place but didn't question it. Camila can really get things done if she put her heart to it.

"Why are you drinking, anyway?" Dinah asked while she tried to guide Camila out of the sweaty bodies bumping them.

"Can't a girl drink during Friday nights?" she garbled.

"No, that's not what I meant. I mean, you should have called me, dummy."

"I did call you." She replied, smiling unto Dinah's neck.

"Yes, you did. What did you say? Oh-" Dinah cleared her voice and tried to imitate drunk Camila.

"Cheeeecheeee, do you think it's a good idea to name a cat 'Fish'? I mean, who does that? Cats sometimes eat fish! Isn't it-" Dinah imitates Camila's hiccups, "-isn't it like a sad thing to name a cat with something they eat?"

Dinah was slightly worried hearing Camila like that when she called her. She had noticed that the girl has been slightly affected by Lauren and Al's newfound friendship. Al seemed fine, but she's kind of pissed at Lauren for not noticing how affected Camila was. She was even starting to think that Lauren has a thing for new faces at school.

"I don't talk like that!" Camila countered.

"Yes you do, stupid!" Dinah chuckled, thankful they are out of the club now.

Camila pouted at her friend. She's really thankful Dinah has been keeping her company since Al joined their little group. Sometimes, Dinah would wait for her and walk with them to class because Lauren is just too occupied with Al to talk to her.

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