Chapter 15

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"You lied to me," I mumble before taking a few gulps of my beer. I already had like four bottles since we arrived. I'm actually feeling a bit dizzy now and my vision is starting to blur, but I'm still in my right state of mind.

After the 5sos little performance, everybody goes back to partying. And after an hour, I finally have some time alone with Luke. He asked me if I want to get away from there and I said yes and he took me to this other side of the beach. Well, it isn't really that far from where the party is happening but it's far enough for us to don't hear any loud banging music.

"What?" He asks before taking a few gulps on his beer too then he wipes his mouth with the back of his hand. The silence is overwhelming me and all I can hear is the splashing of waves from the beach ahead of us. I guess it's now around one in the morning that's why I feel cold since I'm wearing a strapless gown.

I glance at him. "You told me I won't like your voice."

"I'm not lying." He mumbles. His voice is so low that if he lowers it more, I won't able to hear it anymore.

"I like it." I state a fact.

He didn't say anything for a few minutes and so do I. I'm loving the silence even more. Even if this is currently happening, I can already picture this scene in my head. Luke and I sitting on a log beside the beach around one in the morning and we're not fighting. Though fighting is getting rarer between the two of us as time goes by. I still don't want to admit to myself that that's actually a good thing.

"I'm curious," I break the silence. He turns his head to me so he can look at me. "This, I mean all of this, is this still part of your revenge to me?"

He chuckles as he looks away. "Why would you take revenge to somebody?"

I furrow my eyebrows. "What?"

"Why would you take revenge to somebody?" He repeats, looking back at me.

I shrug. "Because they did something bad to you?"

He nods. "And because you hate them."

I raise my eyebrow. "You didn't answer my question."

"I think I did, Care." He nods before taking a few gulps from his beer again.

And the answer hits me. "You don't hate me anymore?"

"Why?" He asks. "Do you still hate me?"

"Um, n-no." I mumble.

"I have another question," He says. I nod in respond, telling him to go on. "If I will ask you if I can kiss you, will you say yes?"

He's staring at me and I want to look away, but I can't. His question takes a few seconds for me to sink it all in. Is he just asking me indirectly if he can kiss me? Honestly, I can't see his face clearly right now because of the alcohol. The hot sensation inside my body is starting to take over even though the wind is cold. My head feels heavy and my eyes are dropping.

"I want you to take me home, Luke." I mumble, finally looking away.

That's all I want to do right now. My body feels so tired and all I can think is my bed. Luke simply nods as he puts the beer bottle down then stands up. He holds out his hand for me. I look up at him before taking it then he pulls me up.

When I'm finally standing, I realize that I feel so dizzy. I bet I look so bad right now. We didn't say goodbye to the boys and Sam anymore. Luke goes directly to his car and helps me climb in which I find a hard thing to do right now.

The moment Luke starts driving, my eyes drop closed and I drift off to sleep. When I open my eyes again, all I can see is the dark skies and the moon because Luke is carrying me bridal style then I close my eyes again. When I open them again, I'm already lying comfortably in my bed. The covers are wrapped around my body though I'm still wearing my gown, but I don't really care right now.

I think I'm alone until I notice Luke sitting on the side of my bed. He's looking down at me and when he catches my eyes, he smiles warmly. He leans down to me and kisses my forehead and whispers, "I had so much fun tonight. Sweet dreams, Caroline."


The next morning, I slowly open my eyes and thankfully the curtains are closed so the sun wouldn't blind my eyes. Next thing I feel is how much my head hurts right now. My body still feels heavy though I'm feeling better now rather than earlier this morning.

I glance on my nightstand to check what time is it on my clock. 11:13am.

It actually takes me a few more seconds to notice that there is an arm wrapped around my small frame. And my eyes widen as I see Luke sleeping peacefully beside me. We're both under the covers and his leg is also draped around my legs and his calm breaths tickle my neck since he's nuzzled in it.

He stayed for the night. But why? Probably he was too tired to go home too.

Just like before, the last time this happened, I try to untangle myself from his body but unluckily, I wake him up. He removes his arm around me to rub his eyes before he stretches his arms in the air. Slowly, he opens his eyes and it meets mine. He seriously looks so hot in the morning. With his hair spikes in different directions and his eyes are still so sleepy. I could get used with this.

"Good morning." He greets with a very low and husky voice. God, boys and their morning voices.

I smile. "Good morning, Luke. Thanks for taking me home."

He never breaks the eye contact. "You're welcome."

"Can you put your leg away now?" I ask, pointing at his leg wrapped around me.

With a cheeky smile on his face, he pulls me closer to his chest, wraps his arm around me once again then rests his chin on the top of my head. Giggling, I try to push him away though I'm helpless compare to him. I can feel my heart pounding fast that I'm even afraid that he might feel it too.

"Luke," I giggle. "Stop, seriously."

"I have to tell you something." He suddenly becomes serious. His arm loosens around me and I finally move a little away from him. I really do love this moment. Just a lazy Saturday with Luke, lying under the warm covers though there's something wrong because I'm still on my gown, but I don't mind. Never since the start I would have thought that I will be this close to him but expect the unexpected.

I smile. "Shoot."

"I'm going to New York in next two days."

Expect the unexpected ha. And that's all it takes to ruin my morning and will obviously ruin my whole Saturday. My smile falls and I can feel the disappoint inside of me. When things are just started to go great between Luke and me, he will just suddenly leave.

"Um," I look away from him for a few seconds before looking back at him again. "For how long?"

"I don't know," He shrugs and I can feel him drawing shapes in my arm. "Two months maybe or more. I still don't know, but I'm surely going on Monday."

"What will happen to your school? Why do you need to go?"

He looks taken aback for a second because I'm sure he isn't expecting me to ask these questions. I bet he's thinking that I'll just be okay with it, but things changed, but then he slowly smiles and answers, "School is not a problem. Calum's mom is the principal, remember? And why do I need to go? You know my family's business. My parents have been forcing, and begging honestly, for me to go there and take over for awhile. They want me to get used even a little with the business because I will inherit it."

With everything he said, I simply nod. Obviously, whatever I do, I can't stop him. We're talking about his family's business here and surely it's a big deal. I'm sure without it, they will never be this rich.

He chuckles and it's such a good view to see him like this. "Are you seriously sad?"

I playfully roll my eyes at him. "I'm not."

And it's his turn to roll his eyes. "I can still vision how your face fell when I told you I'm leaving."

I hit his chest. "Stop being so full about yourself."

"Don't tell me you're starting to like me now." He smirks, slowly pulling me closer to him again.

"I still hate you, Hemmings." And we all know that's one big lie.

this is short but yeah, it's just a filler :)

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