Jungkook's POV
we all were busy practicing for our debut album when my phone buzzed in my pocket indicating a message had arrived.

I removed my phone and saw it had a notification on the screen.

'New message from toliet paper'

why would she send a text so late at night? maybe she just wants to talk.

excusing myself I went out of the practice room. As I got out of the practicing room I immediately opened her text.

'I like you'

were only words written but it was enough to make my heartbeat stop for a while.

I did not believe my eyes. why would she even write this? wait is this a prank?

Without noticing I began to space out until someone's hands started waving across my face.


"hey why are you standing there like you saw a dead body" taehyung said giving me a awkward glare.
"lets go in its cold out here" he continued putting his arm on my shoulder.

"yeah" was the only thing which I could say. I was just to shocked to process anything.

seeing me not being so responsive he stopped on his track.

"yo what is wrong with you" taehyung said narrowing his eyebrows.

I just lifted my phone and showed him the text I had just received while putting a hand on my face.

"hey isn't this the girl you talk about with yoongi hyung? wait she confessed to you?" he said shaking my shoulders with his both hands.
"shouldn't you be happy jungkook? don't you like her too?"
he said showing his box smile.

"Yeah uh I uh....I can't really say that I'm happy. I mean like her and all but maybe I don't like her the way she does. Beside's I still haven't got over-"

"till when are you gonna blame yourself for her death huh?" taehyung suddenly said while gritting his teeth.
"what happened to her was not your fault! It was an accident Jungkook besides you have already suffered a lot due to that"

"I have suffered enough you say? I took someone's life even if it was an accident. I could never forgive myself for that. Its pointless taehyung no matter which way I look at it, I'll still see the reason why she died was because of me and I dont wanna hurt Rose the same way"

"you're just running away from your feelings you know? and at the end of the day you're not the only one who's gonna be heartbroken." he said looking at my phone.

Taehyung left me and went in while I stayed behind. I still need sometime to process things out.

'Rose why are you doing this to me'

'I'll just bring a shadow of death upon you. All the people I loved in my life .... are gone because of me.
I don't deserve you'

'I'm sorry'

I removed my phone again and opened her text to reply back. Eventhough I dont wanna break her heart I have to tell her my answer.

toliet paper :
Hey um I got your previous text but sorry I couldn't reply earlier.
I appreciate that you confessed your feelings for me but I dont really wanna get into a relationship rn. I hope you understand. I like you, I really do but probably your definition of the word 'like' is different from mine. I hope we continue being friends tho and maybe after some time I'll really fall for you but don't turn down later just for revenge okay? hahah
1:04 am
[message sent]

I'm sorry
1:05 am
[message sent]
Nobody's Pov
"I hope Rose will understand me. Thank god I sent that message now my heart can rest assured that she won't get hurt because of me. I should go in others must be waiting." jungkook thought

He shoved his phone into his pocket without noticing the notification which had popped up on his screen. If only he had looked at it...

Error 1807
- Message not sent-

Hey um I got your previous text but sorry I couldn't reply earlier.
I appreciate that you confessed your feelings for me but I dont really wanna get into a relationship rn. I hope you understand. I like you, I really do but probably your definition of the word 'like' is different from mine. I hope we continue being friends tho and maybe after some time I'll really fall for you but don't turn down later just for revenge okay? hahah


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