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Rose's Pov
"I cannot thank you enough" I said as I looked down remembering the horrific incident.

"Its alright. You legit said thank you more than 10 times .you really dont need to thank me" the guy said laughing a bit while removing his mask.

After he spoke for the first time I could not think properly. His voice reminds me soo much of jungkook's.
He looked like a prince beating the shit out of those guys.

Wait what?

'Rose snap out of it'! he is not jungkook nor is he your prince.

He waved his hands infront of me snapping me out if my dreamland.

"I thought I lost you for a second
I'm Jungeun by the way" the guy said chuckling. He offered his hand for a handshake and I gladly accepted while I looked up to see his face properly.

when I finally saw his face I became speechless.

Every feature that he had resembled jungkook's somehow. They both would definitely look like brothers.

"um do I remind you of someone?" the guy said scratching his neck

"how did you know?"

"you were staring for a while"

"oh s-sorry" I said looking down. shit now my cheeks are burning.

"Its alright haha whom do I remind you of anyways"?

"um no one special haha,
my friend" I said with an awkward smile

"oh okay but you forgot tell me your name"?

"oh sorry I'm chaeyoung but you can call me rose"

"I'll walk you home, its pretty late now" jungeun said looking at his wristwatch.

"Its alright you dont have to do that. I'll be okay"

"Im sorry lady but I have to decline your request. I'm a police officer and its my duty to help people. so where do you live?"

"I live near [ insert name ] "

After a while

"That's my dorm there. I can walk alone from here. Thanks again"
I said while bowing to show respect.

"If thats okay with you, I'll get going now" jungeun was about to leave but I had this question in my mind which I wanted to ask him.

"um jungeun-ssi"

He turned around and raised his both eyebrows.

"d-do you perhaps have a brother?"

"no, I dont"

It took a while for him to answer that.

"oh okay sorry to ask such a random question. I'll get going on my way now"


I'm currently resting on my bed thinking about what happened today. Should I tell Jungkook about this? I feel I should tell him about his doppelganger or more like his long lost big brother.

when I came back home everyone was extremely worried about me. They even called up my mom. I shouldn't have gone alone.

Stupid me!

I unlocked my phone and opened his contact.

oh lol I forgot to change his name.

Change name from Lisa to Jungkook.
[Save changes]

Um hey how are you? Its been a while.

um are you ignoring me?

I have no clue why you're ignoring me but we'll talk when you want to. bye for now,

Author's note
sorry if this was a shitty chapter but I'll make the next one better I promise.

who do you think jungeun is?


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