Jungkook's POV
"what's going on?" I said looking around.

"what happened" jimin asked while looking at me curiously.

"I-I definately heard her voice"

"who's voice jungkook, that girl of yours?" jimin scoffed in disbelief.

"then where is she?" jimin continued in a mocking tone.

"yah jamless, it's not the time to pick up fights. someone might be in danger right now" yoongi said eyeing jimin for a while then turned around towards me.

"what did you hear kid?" yoongi hyung said while putting his hands on my shoulder giving it a slight squeeze.

"she called out my name. I'm sure I heard it after I called out her name" I said while bobbing my head.

"wow, I cannot believe what effect she has done over you. now you're hallucinating stuff. you're telling us you heard someone call out your name when there's literally no one here and even if she did why didn't yoongi and I heard it huh?" jimin blurted out making me angry.

"you know what hyung? if you have soo much problems with her then you may go. no one asked you to come in the first place. you're anyways just a nuisance to us right now" I said balling up my fist in anger.

"w-what? what did you say right now huh?"

Jimin immediately came towards me and pulled me by my shirt's collar.

"repeat what you said you ungrateful punk, your family had abandoned you after that incident but I-I took you home. I gave you a new family" jimin said pointing at himself.

yoongi was constantly trying to get jimin away from me but he wouldn't even budge.

The anger in jimin's eye's scared me but deep down I know why he's acting like this.

He cares about me.

"sorry, hyung" I said avoiding eye contact.

jimin let go of me while stumbling backwards.

"you should be, have you forgotten what had happened four years ago huh? that one girl, she destroyed your life so easily. have you forgotten? that bitch who made you cry everyday, have you forgotten? that girl who blamed her death on you, h-have you forgotten?" jimin holding back his tears.

I was repeatedly saying sorry by now.

"that girl, ch-"

"stop it jimin, the kid wont repeat his mistake. stop bringing back his past" yoongi said glaring at jimin with cold eyes.

"and jungkook" I snapped my head towards yoongi.

"call her for the last time, if she doesn't picks up. we have to assume that she pranked us"

I nodded my head in approval

and dialled her number one last time but something unexpected happened.

'She ended my call'

"you're right hyung" I said looking at jimin.

"all girls at the same"

Rose's POV
"all girls are the same" taehyung said sighing.

"yah just cause I declined someone's calls doesn't mean I always do" I said looking back at my phone.

Jungkook had called probably to give a so called 'reason' due to which he couldn't come.

I scoffed a bit thinking how didn't care about me at all.

"who was it?" taehyung asked while looking at me through the mirror.

"someone" i replied placing my head on his back.

I could feel his body get stiff for a while but then he relaxed.

"I thought I told you not to t-"

"shush, I'm not in the mood" I said closing my eyes as strong winds were hitting my face.



"can you be my real boyfriend?"

suddenly he pulled the breaks causing me to jerk forward and almost fall off but he immediately catched me.

"I-I think I need to take you to the ho-hosspital. yea-yeah, I should lets go" taehyung said stammering.

"wait what? no taehyung Im okay and I mean it!"

"shut it we're anyways going there might get you checked up"

"ugh god, you're so stupid"

"not more then you"

"means you agree that you are stupid"

"shut up"

"no way its my mouth"

"okay keep on blabbering nonsense and I'll throw you down"

"you won't"

"I will"

"you won't"

"I will"

"you won't"

"ugh now I seriously will! shut your damn mouth chaeyoung"

"okay okay" I said grinning a bit

"ah this reminds me of old days" I continued while chuckling.

"it does" taehyung agreed while a slight chuckle escaped his mouth.

"did you laugh just now?"


"you did right?"


"ah you did"

"no, I did not"

"but you did"

"n-ugh whatever. there's no use in arguing with you" he said sighing.

"yup I'm the best" I said while pointing at myself.

"you're an idiot"

"by the way, I don't have a dress to wear tomorrow, can you b-"

"ugh I'll buy you one"

"thank you oppa " I said slightly hugging him while purposely saying oppa to irritate him.

"ew get off me"

and then I busted out in laughter seeing him wipe himself.

'pabo tae'

"aish I'm not contagious"

"aish I'm not contagious"

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a/n : short chapter but the next one is probably gonna be better.

I love chaeyoung and taehyung arguing 😂😂

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