Crystals aren't always a girl's best friend

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Daire sat in her desk, waiting for the bell to ring signaling the beginning of first period. She couldn't help but think about what Stiles had told her and Scott this morning. The kanima was basically non-existent on the internet, the closest thing Stiles could find was a were-jaguar that killed murderers. Which wasn't much better, especially since their creature wasn't a cat or was killing just murderers. Daire continued to naw her lower lip as her fingers subconsciously played with a curl that came loose from its bobby pin. 

"Well aren't you a sight for sore eyes," 

Daire looked up to see Isaac practically swagger over to his old seat. His blue eyes not leaving hers. She was captured in his gaze, unable to pull away. She could hear both Scott and Stiles arriving but she didn't break away from Isaac's gaze. She couldn't, it was almost intoxicating, his emotions swirling between them. At least until he turned away and chuckled, leaving Daire a flushed mess.

"Ah fucking hell!"

So apparently Jackson retracted his statement which somehow meant that Isaac was no longer a fugitive and could come back to school. Yay. If her day wasn't going well enough Daire had to sit through Econ with Finstock sliding in some passive aggressive comments at her because she snuck out of the game early. 

Daire was flipping through her textbook when Jackass decided that he was going to sit right behind Scott. Daire rolled her eyes and continued skimming. 

"He smart-ass. Testicle left and right," Jackass whispered to them harshly. Daire cringed at his choice of insulting nicknames. "What the hell is a kanima?"

Daire's eyes widened as the boys practically fell out of their chairs to stare at Jackson. The jackass only smirked at their response. Just great. 

T the front of the room, a book was slammed down on the table. Finstock grinned psychotically at the class. 

"Alright, listen up. Quick warning before we begin the review. Some of you, like McCall," Finstock began causing Scott to sigh. "Might want to start their own study groups because tomorrows midterm is so profoundly difficult, I'm not even too sure I could pass it."

Daire groaned, wishing that that A she obtained by beating Greenberg's ass on the climbing wall could be applied to Econ instead of gym. Ah hell

"Okay, I need a volunteer at the board to answer the first question. Who's got it? Alright, let's go buddy," Finstock ended, waving someone up.

Daire turned back to Jackass. "Alright, how the hell do you know what a kanima is?"

"They paralyzed me last night," Jackson snapped.

Scott raised an eyebrow. "Paralyzed? Who?"

"Derek. He said that he was 'testing me.' And yes, dumbass, paralyzed; from the neck down. Do you have any idea of what that feels like?" Jackass snarled.

Stiles shrugged. "Yeah, I'm pretty familiar with the sensation."

"He said if it was me, I wouldn't react," Jackson sighed, ignoring Stiles.

"That's actually not a bad idea. A venomous animal can't be poisoned by their own venom. It would unbalance nature," Daire replied twirling her pencil in between her fingers. "But why would he think it's you?"

"How should I know?" he said rolling his eyes. "I heard that graveyard kid say they were gonna test Lydia."

Daire's heart went doki doki against her will at the slight mention of his name.  "Lydia? They think it's Lydia? Are you sure?"

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