Let The Game Begin

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"Now that that's done," Daire said as she hopped up on an empty table and leaned against the brick wall of Deaton's vet clinic, "can I ask a question?" 

Scott and Deaton were in the process of setting up the operation room. The two of them getting ready to treat a sick dog that had been checked into the clinic earlier in the week. 

"What's on your mind?" Deaton asked as he gathered various medical tools. 

"I never had an opportunity to ask this," Daire started then glanced over at Scott who was with the dog, "there never seemed to be a good time but I have to know." 

"Know what?"

Daire turned back to Deaton, "what am I? I know I'm not a werewolf and I'm thankfully not a giant lizard," she paused, "so what's left?" 

Deaton was quiet as if lost in thought, "well, just because you didn't turn into a werewolf does not mean you're not a shapeshifter similar to a werewolf." 

"I thought that too," Daire replied, "but other were-species share attributes to werewolves, they're just a manifestation of a person's personality."

Deaton nodded, "a crude explanation but yes." 

"Well here's the thing, a key commonality amongst all those shifters is their tie to the full moon," Daire explained, "they all feel the pull and unless they have an anchor they'll shift against their will." 

"and you've never felt the pull of the moon," Scott said.

Daire nodded, "not to the extent that you or the others do. And not only that but I'm also able to feel the emotions of those I'm close to, that's not something other were-species can do," she turned back to Deaton, "at least none that I'm aware of." 

Deaton set the tools he was holding onto the metal table, "that's very interesting, and none of these abilities appeared until after Peter bit you?"

Daire nodded, "any ideas?" 

Deaton shook his head, "no, not off the top of my head," he looked up to hold Daire's gaze, "but I'll look into it." 

"Thank yo-" Daire started but was interrupted by the bell of the front door. 

"Scott, Would you mind seeing who that is?" Deaton asked. 

Scott nodded and as soon as he took a step towards the door, all the animals in the clinic started barking. Concerned, Scott and Deaton made their way to the front desk, Daire hopping down from the table to join them. The mystery visitor was Isaac, he stood in the waiting room. His hands in his pockets and eyes set on the floor. 

"Isaac?" Daire asked, curious as to why he would be here of all places. At the sound of her voice, Isaac's head whipped up and they locked eyes.

"It's okay Isaac," Deaton said as he opened the gate to let the werewolf in, "we're open." 

Isaac slowly made his way to the backroom, trailing behind Scott and Deaton but kept pace with Daire, "what're you doing here?" he asked.

Daire looked up at him as she walked, "isn't that what I'm supposed to be asking?" she teased but continued, "I'm killing time." 

"Still haven't gone back yet?" he asked. 

Daire shook her head, "no, unless you count sneaking into my window in order to steal clothes and my laptop." 

Isaac smiled, "no, I don't think I would." They had made their way back into the operation room, Scott and Deaton were already back at their stations around the dog. Daire stopped at the end of the table and watched as Scott and Deaton gave the small dog an injection. Isaac stood next to her with his arms braced on the table. 

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