Confusing Boys and Well-Deserved PB&J

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The last time Daire saw Isaac she beat him unconscious, tossed him out of Scott's house and this all occurred after he called her a murderer to her face. So imagine her surprise when the lanky werewolf managed to sneak into her hunter infested house through her bedroom window. Daire couldn't help but stare, mouth gaping at him. His foot got snagged on the windowsill and he ended up tumbling in. Daire paused the anime she was watching on her laptop and turned to face Isaac's crouched figure on her floor.

"What are you doing?" she asked shocked that he was here and questioning why he was stupid enough to brave a house full of hunters.

"I needed to see you," he mumbled lifting himself off the floor. Once he was back on his feet he looked almost bashful. Daire could feel his uncertainty and embarrassment, it was the exact opposite of the cocky attitude she had associated with him in the past weeks. But before Daire could ask him another question there was a knock at her door. 

With Isaac's safety as her main priority, Daire grabbed his hand and practically shoved him into her closet, "hide, please," she pleaded in a hushed voice. His adam's apple bobbed as he swallowed and nodded, closing her closet door. Daire practically leaped to her bedroom door, opening it to see her Aunt Victoria on the other side.

"Who were you talking to?"

Daire glanced back at where her laptop was sitting on her bed, " no one, I was watching something on my laptop."

Victoria gave a disdained sniff, "well I came to tell you that your grandfather wishes for you to join us out for dinner tonight."

Daire held her grip on the door waiting for a moment to shut it, "No thank you, but have fun with Grandfucker, I'll make sure not to make a mess of the kitchen." 

Victoria did not look amused, " sooner or later Daire, you will show this family respect."

Daire's grip tightened, "why would I show respect to a family of murderers?"

Daire didn't bother to stop Victoria from slapping her if she did she would risk exposing that she wasn't human anymore. Also, Daire wanted to end this confrontation so she could get back to Isaac before he'd panic about being in her closet. 

"You do not refer to your grandfather that way. Not after all he's done for you," Victoria spat the words out at her niece. 

Daire rolled her shoulders back and stayed calm, "yeah because being raised to be used as a weapon to kill werewolves is something to be grateful for," she began to shut her door, "if that's all I'm gonna return to being alone, silent, and ignored in my room." 

Victoria didn't stop her, and once the bedroom door was closed Daire waited until she could hear her aunt's footsteps walk away. 

She felt his hand on her shoulders, turning her around to face him. His eyebrows were pinched in concern and he raised his big hand up to her pinkening cheek. Softly he held her face, Daire was surprised at how warm his hands were. Her's always seemed to be cold and clammy, Daire couldn't help but lean into his touch. 

"Does this always happen?" his voice was soft and Daire shook her head. 

"They mostly just ignore me now that they think I'm broken," Daire looked up at him, "but something's coming and I think they can't figure out whether they'll be able to get me to fight for them or if I will be the one fighting them." 

"I'm sorry," he murmured and Daire looked up at him quizzically.

"For what?" she asked, genuinely confused. 

He swallowed and began to look uncomfortable, "for saying that you were one of them, especially since they-" 

"You didn't know," Daire cut him off, raising her own hand to his cheek, "you just knew what Derek told you. But thank you for the apology." 

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