Son of a Bitch

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"I know I've broken the law multiple times before," Daire began, shooting a look at Stiles as they stood near the trees. "Stealing a police vehicle is a first though."

Stiles merely shrugged. "We needed a way to keep him from hurting anyone."

Daire raised an eyebrow, "and a van is going to do that?" she asked skeptically, gesturing to the van Jackson Jackass Whittemore was currently knocked out in. Daire had to punch him a few times throughout the night, which she did admittedly enjoy.

"It's our best chance," Scott told her reassuringly.

Daire sighed, "yeah, until Mr. Stilinski figures out we stole one of his department vans."

"Your faith in my plans is insulting," Stiles scoffed in annoyance.

Daire just gave him a sardonic look, "that's because your plans are stupid."

"Hey! They work sometimes!"

Daire shrugged, "okay your plans are stupid-most of the time."

Stiles smiled, "Why thank you-"

"Stiles! Daire! McCall!" Jackson's very annoyed voice screamed through the van. It echoed slightly and Daire visibly cringed. Wonderful, Sleeping Beauty's awake. "I'm going to kill you!"

Stiles, Scott and Daire glanced at each other unsurely. Daire slid her hands into her jean pockets, "Well at least he's not a lizard."

Later, Stiles and Daire walked through the woods from his jeep. They had left  to get a change of clothes and so Daire could let her family know that she 'unfortunately' was still alive.

"I don't see why we have to come back," Stiles groaned.

"Scott said we need to keep an eye on him and I agree," Daire shrugged. Sure babysitting a lizard man wasn't what she wanted to do, but she had Netflix and Supernatural to watch so it wasn't too bad. Stiles on the other hand had to dress a naked and unconscious Jackass, so he wasn't too thrilled.

They neared the van and Stiles pulled out the keys he had snagged from his dad's office. They were going to be so dead if Sheriff Stilinski found out. Like dead dead, not Vampire Diaries dead. Stiles unlocked the van and yanked one of the back doors open. Daire slipped in first, sliding across the metal bench. Jackass sat across from her, Stiles slid in next to Daire. He closed the door, about to say something when Jackass jolted in his seat.

"Let me go, now!" he screamed, lunging forward. Luckily, Daire had thought ahead and locked the cuffs connected to the van on his wrist. He only made it so far before the chains pulled him back.

Stiles tapped Daire's hand, which she had placed in front of him protectively, slowly she lowered her arm. "Hey, you know I put those pants on you, alright buddy? One leg at a time. You know, all up and personal with your junk! Wasn't exactly the highlight of my day, so don't think this is fun for me either."

Daire shrugged, "honestly I think you're a jackass but we're doing you a favor so you should be a bit more grateful."

"This is doing me a favor?" Jackson snarled, pulling against the handcuffs.

"Yes!" Stiles exclaimed. "You're killing people! To death! Yeah. And until we can figure out how to stop you, you're going to stay in here. I'm sorry."

Daire pulled out the sandwiches she had packed in her bag, "Now, do you want the chicken or the turkey club? The ham and cheese one is mine, so hands off."

"You seriously don't think my parents are going to look for me?" Jackson deadpanned.

Daire just took a bite out of her sandwich, she needed energy to deal with stupid.

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