The Gibbs Gut

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" I told you he was evil!" Stiles exclaimed for the umpteenth time with Scott muttering in the background. 

"We know Stiles, I never said you were wrong," Daire said through speakerphone.  

The three of them had just left Lydia's party, thankfully they managed to slip away easily, avoiding the police. Daire tuned out Stiles and Scott arguing through her phone, her mind elsewhere. Who would have thought that creepy Matt Daehler was controlling the kanima? Sure she always felt sick to her stomach when she was with the kid but to have him turn out to be a puppeteer of a supernatural killing machine was something else entirely. Maybe this meant she needed to trust her gut more. Wait does this mean that Daire now has a Gibbs level gut? Cuz if so that would be pretty damn cool, and useful. 

"So what are you going to tell your dad?" Daire asked as she turned onto Stiles' street. 

She heard Stiles huff, "Matt's evil. He's killing people." 

"Because that'll be believable without any hard evidence," 

"I'll work out the details later," Stiles replied before he hung up and  pulled into his drive way.

Following suit Daire parked on the street and followed Scott and Stiles into the Stilinski house. They found Mr. Stilinski in the living room, who looked at the disheveled teens like they were crazy. Stiles began ushering Daire and Scott upstairs before yelling, "Dad, meet us in my room in like three minutes! We have big problems, big, big problems!"

Once in Stiles' room Daire plopped herself onto his bed and watched as Stiles began to ransack his desk, stopping only to pull out an old yearbook. He began to rapidly flip through it before finding the page he wanted. The one with Matt the creep Daelher on it. 

"Hand me a sharpie," Stiles said to Scott who produced a pen from the desk. Stiles yanked the cap off with his teeth and circled Matt's face in red ink, crossing out the other yearbook photos as well.

Daire raised an eyebrow, "I think just circling Matt's creepy mug would've worked just fine Stiles,"

He shrugged, "needed to make it clear."

"Alright so what's this all about?" Papa Stilinski asked as he entered the bedroom. 

Scott straightened up and moved closer to Stiles who was seated at his desk, "We think we know who is killing everyone," 

Mr. Stilinski rubbed a hand over his mouth, "Guys, you're not supposed to get involved-" 

"Mr. Stilinski, wait just a sec," Daire said and hopped off the bed and pointed at the yearbook. "That's him, right there." 

Mr. Stilinski came to stand behind them, before leaning over the open pages of the yearbook. He took a good long glance before turning back at the trio. 

"You're telling me that this kid is the real killer?"

"Yeah," Stiles answered, swaying back and forth in his chair.

Mr. Stilinski paused for a moment before shaking his head, "no." 

"Yes," Stiles replied adamantly.


"Yes!" Stiles exclaimede. Scott groaned and Daire leaned against the desk. Stiles stood up before saying, "Dad, everybody knows that police look for ways to connect victims in a murder, okay? So, all you need to do is look through their transcripts and figure out which class they all had in common." 

"Yeah exceept for the rave girl, Kara, wasn't in Harris' class," his dad said sternly. 

Daire gagged at the mention of Harris King of Hell. 

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