Isaac the Asshat

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Okay Daire was officially confused. She knew for a fact that she wasn't the kanima and refused to believe Lydia was either, but then how the hell did they pass Isaac's dumbass test?

Well the why didn't matter at the moment, the only thing that Daire was concerned about was protecting Lydia from Derek and his pack of pups. Granted she and her friends had until the school day ended until Derek would come after her. So they just needed to come up with a decent plan to keep Lydia away from Derek and his cronies, and manage to do it without her actually figuring out what was happening. Easy, right?

Ah hell.

Daire was currently zoning out in her history class, waiting for Allison to come back from the bathroom. At least until she felt a little tug of panic and agitation in her chest. Not knowing exactly what was happening, Daire grabbed a hall pass and bolted to the bathroom. 

"You know it's bound to happen at some point right? Your little picture perfect like has to crack eventually," Erica said, stuffing her lipstick in her bra.

"Scott and I are stronger than that," Allison muttered in annoyance.

"You don't get it do you? And why would you? You Argent girls are everyone's first choice. Just a couple of pretty faced bitches who think they can use that to their advantage. That the real world can't hurt them."

Daire stepped into view leaning against the tiled wall, "Honestly Erica, the only bitch in this bathroom is you," she snapped. Erica growled, eyes flashing gold. "Oh, grow up. You're about as menacing as a toy poodle."

Daire grabbed and tugged at Allison's wrist, pulling them out of the bathroom but Erica grabbed onto the girls conjoined hands. 

" Let. Go." Daire muttered.

"Come one, girl fight in the bathroom? It'll be hot," she sneered. "And while I'm at it maybe my next target is Scott. Or Isaac. I know you like him, your pheromones are suffocating." She grinned and and wrinkled her nose, " I'll be sure to show them a great time. And then I'll show them how you two are coldhearted bitches just hiding behind a facade."

Allison winced as Erica scratched her claws against her skin.

"Oh, honey. Everybody already knows that I can be a bitch."

Daire raised her hand and scratched Erica's cheek. Erika immediately let go, her hand pressing against the four red lines on her cheek.

Daire just smirked and waved her clawed hand, "Buh-bye," pulling Allison out of the bathroom. 

The girls walked in silence. Daire fuming at what Erica had said. Did she really emit pheromones when Isaac was around. Damn it, kill me now! 

Suddenly the door to Coach's office flung open and the two Argent girls were pulled inside.

"What the-" Daire looked over to see Scott and Stiles, "Why am I not surprised?"

Allison looked at the two boys, "Why aren't you with Lydia?"

"None of us are in her class and she's working with Danny," Stiles shrugged. "She'll be fine for now." 

"Anyways, we have a problem." 

Daire glanced back at Scott, "Like an 'I've run out of anime to watch' kind of problem or a ' holy shit my mom is actually trying to kill me' kind of problem?"

Scott just rolled his eyes, "Derek's outside waiting for Lydia."

Allison groaned. "Wait to kill her?"

"If he thinks she's the kanima, yes," Scott replied with a sigh. "Especially after what happened at the pool..."

"It's not her," Daire snapped. "I can't tell you why but I know it's not."

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