Daire ships Outlaw Queen

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After being dismissed by her grandfucker Daire and Scott raced down the hallway hoping to catch up with the cops that currently held Isaac in custody. Unfortunately when the two of them reached the front of the school Isaac was driven away in the back of a squad car. Daire let out a sigh and ran her hands through her hair. She had no idea what to do, and by the looks of Scotts retreating figure neither did he. The two teens were about to enter the school building when Derek's sleek black Camero pulled up. " Get in," Mr. I don't like 5 seconds of sauce commanded as his car reached a stop. 

Scott turned to face the older werewolf, his expression full of disbelief, " are you serious?" Scott asked 

before pointing in the direction that Isaac was taken, " you did that, that's your fault." Daire looked at 

Derek and to her it seemed like he knew that he made a mistake and she would bet on Mavis Vermillion's grave that he needed their help to fix it. 

"I know that , now get in the car and help me." Derek replied looking down at the steering wheel.

"Called it," Daire muttered before walking over to the Camero.

"No I have a better idea, I'm gonna call a lawyer. Cuz a lawyer might have a chance at getting him out before the moon goes up." Scott said walking down the steps to catch up with Daire.

"Not when they do a real search of the house," Derek stated.

Daire looked at him worried, "what do you mean?" 

"Whatever Jackson said to the cops, what's in the house is worse." 

Scott looked dumbfounded while Daire brought a hand to her mouth. 

"A lot worse," Derek finished before opening the door for Scott. Daire had already sat in the back of 

Derek's car and buckled her seat belt before Scott reluctantly took shot gun. As soon as Scott closed the door, they drove off to see the dark secrets held inside the Lahey house.

It was already dark by the time the three entered Isaac's house. Scott held a flash light and used it to illuminate through the darkness. "If Isaac didn't kill his father who did?", he asked lowering the flash light. "I don't know yet," Derek replied following Scott through the main entrance of the house. Daire's eyes already adjusted to the darkness and was soaking in every detail as she followed the two werewolves in front of her. 

"Well if you don't know who did it then how do you know if he's telling the truth?" Scott asked entering a narrow hallway.

 Derek looked at Scott,"Because I trust my senses, and it's a combination of them. Not just your sense of smell."

Daire laughed at the almost passive aggressive burn, "You saw that?".


"Did it look that bad?" Scott asked stopping.

Derek didn't look impressed and squeezed Scott's shoulder, "yeah."

"Scott, Coach basically told you he was gonna kill you, it was that bad." Daire commented following the boys to a door. 

" You want to learn how to use all your senses?" Derek asked opening the door, revealing that it led to the basement. " Start now."

Scott pointed the flashlight down into the basement, illuminating glass bottles and other random objects that littered the floor. 

Daire took her time descending the steps, focusing on sharpening her senses. 

"What's down there?" Scott asked taking his first step.

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