Chater twenty four

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Holly POV

Ciel... He smiled! Let alone called me adorable! I'm kind of confused...

I walk downstairs.

"Holly. There's a letter for you!" Meyrin runs down the hall and trips a little. She hands me the letter, panting.

"it's from Marie yes it is!"

"Thank you." I smile and bow. She bows as well and then walks away, muttering to herself about forgetting to clean the dishes.

Dear Holly,

The manor is doing well. But I miss you. You'll be surprised when you hear what happened! Alois kissed me! But anyways, is Ciel treating you alright? I hope he doesn't press for information. Anyway, I'll be going now.

Your's truly,


I close my eyes for a second then fold and set the letter on my desk. I leave my chamber.

I walk down a long hallway on the top floor, and whilst gazing at the beautiful engravings on the walls, bump into someome.

"Ah! I'm sorry!" I quickly apologize and look up at who it is, as I had fallen on the ground in the midst of my tripping over someone. Sebastian looks down.

"That's just fine." He lends a hand. I take it and stand up, brushing dust off my skirt.

"I got dust on me.. I should clean this floor..." I say to myself.

"Lord Phantomhive would like to talk to you. Proceed down the hall until you reach his study." Sebastian says, outstretching his arm toward the door at the end of the long windowed hallway.

"Thank you." he heads down the spiral staircase.

I entered Ciel's study. Papers were stacked neatly on the edges of his desk, and he was busy signing his name on multiple assigned papers.

"You asked so see me." He nods, his uncovered eye still on the paperwork.

"Yes. Take a seat." I sit on the wooden chair beside his desk.

"I want to talk about arrangements of peace with Trancy manor." I feel a twang of relief as I smile.

"That's great!"

"Marie can be a good source of help." He fiddles with the feather pen in his hand.

"Quite." I say, somehow catching on to Sebastian's elegant way of speaking.

"You need to head to the manor tomorrow. We will drop you off in a carriage. But if they refuse to make peace, take care of them. I know of your fighting skills in the past. I know where you're from."

Next chapter will be about Holly's past, a flashback like Marie's. This fic is almost completed! But I'll notify you guys when it's about to end. love you (^3^)

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