Chapter 37

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Two weeks. Almost three weeks ago Harmony had left and I never knew. I got the letter. Which killed me to my limit I wanted to hurt myself.


So I did what you had wanted. I left and I don't plan on coming back soon so don't try calling, texting or FaceTiming me. You didn't fix things now. You broke it. You Broke me. I don't like being Broken but now my family knows. So, I have my limit now.

When you are reading this letter I hope you figured out. I do Love you and I always will but I just think we need space.

Take care of Natiaile. I just wish you had figured it out sooner than later. After all, you put me through I'm sick and tired of Loving you more. I'm done. I tried and I'm tired so I gave up to. Now it's too late I'm already gone... Bye Love.


Harmony Lily Beth.

I haven't heard from her since. It's so empty without her here. I regret doing any of this. I see her everywhere and everyday. I hate it. Or I go to certain spots and I get flashbacks. I can't even stand being in my own room without thinking about the time she and I first had sex ever.

Yes I'm dating Natiaile but I can barely sleep or even eat when I read that letter. It's only three in the afternoon and I'm tired.

Now I don't even know how to react anymore. I haven't been feeling good.

"You know, it's probably a good idea to sleep in your bed."

"Mom, I can't sleep in my room."

"Why not, Hun?" I shake my head not wanting to talk about it. I felt tears form in the corner of my eyes.

"I just can't, Mom." She pulls me in for an embrace that I gave into. When she pulls a way she slowly yet gently wipes my forehead. I grab my shirt and go into my Mom's room. I lie there for awhile. I sigh than I left heavyness on my eyes and I fell back asleep.


I wake up and I see her. Looking around my Mother's room, "Your Mom seems sweet. I like her bedroom it's authentic."

"Why won't you leave me alone?" She sighs and sits on the bed next to me.

"You have to overcome me. Your upset so you keep calling my name. Till I come back home." Than she vanished. I make my Mother's bed and go downstairs.

"Sleep well?" She asks.

"I'm still tired."

"Well I just finished dinner not too long ago." She follows me into the kitchen. She made me my food and gave me the plate.

"Thanks Ma." She nods and I sit at the table waiting for her. She sets her plate down and fills our cups with milk. Than she sits down and we eat.

"How are you feeling?" She asked. I'm feeling empty, upset, hopeless, worthless, not cared for, doesn't matter. I'm feeling broken.

"I'm fine. Just for the fact my own family hid and lied about where Mel was I'm pretty fine." I keep eating.

She sighed, "Bryce. You hurt her."

"She pushed me away, Mom. Yeah I know all that stuff happened but it's the past-"

"Bryce! She has to live with the fact she's been raped for the rest of her life. She may have to stay in counciling for another year maybe even two. That's hard for any girl or guy that's been raped by someone."

"It's not like you haven't." I mumbled under my breath. She sits up and put her cup of milk down.

"Is there something your not telling me?" I look around and then take a bite out of my food. "Like why your not sleeping in your own bed."

"Mom, I just can't. I can't sleep in there." She looks at me like she doesn't believe me.

"Is there a reason why?" I hesitated but tried to hide it so I shook my head side to side. She sighs then continues eating.

Once we finished our food and drink, I rinsed it and put it in the dishwasher​. I did the dishes and went into the living room. Where my Mother is. I sit next to her. She looks at me, "She loves you, ya know?"


"Harmony and Natiaile." She looks at her hands folded in her lap.

"How would you know?"

"Mother's just know. If your Dad we're here right now..." She paused and took a deep breath, "He would tell me the exact same thing. Our son is in love with her. He's just scared she'll reject him. He said that to me when you wore a smile on your cute cheeks when you we're in sixth grade. And Hun, I'm sorry about Drew and Colby leaving you."

"I don't even know when Drew's coming back. I don't think Colby will ever come back. He seems to enjoy being in Los Angeles."

"So a little bird told me that Drew has a daughter now."

"Uh yeah... Her name is Cecilia. I believe she's two now. He seems pretty happy with her. Brooklyn."

"'Cause oddly enough he found her." She looks at me. "Don't Make me a grandma yet. I want you to travel while you can." We hug.

"I'll sleep in your room tonight." She Pat's my thigh and then leaves.

"Goodnight Mom." She smiles at me.

"Goodnight Sweetheart." She goes upstairs and gets ready for bed. I go upstairs and into the bathroom. I turn on the water take off my clothes and jump in. I let the hot water run for awhile. I kept my head under the water. I washed my hair and body rinsed myself again then hoped out.

I noticed my mother put out a new pair of clothing on her bed. I smiled. I put on my boxers and some sweat pants. I get under the comforter and simply go to sleep.

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