Back In NXT

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Back In NXT

In NXT I was welcomed by a lot of the people: Sami Zayn, Bayley, Adrian Neville, Mojo Rawley, CJ (of course) and a few more. I didn't like backtracking, but I have gotten so close to the NXT Superstars and Divas, and in a business like this you don't take relationships for granted. It was work 24/7 365, and only a few people had the luxury of having a parent that was revered in WWE. I made my way to the locker rooms to get ready for my match, that I didn't know a lot about. Soon after I regained consciousness in the doctor's office on Monday, JBL informed me of the match I was having later that week on NXT. I was okay with being back in NXT, because I knew that even though I wasn't on the Main Roster, I would still be working my butt off with individuals I have grown to care about over the year.

I warmed up, put my gear on and headed down to hair and makeup. I absolutely loved my hair. My character was so edgy and sassy but posh and classy at the same time; everything I dreamed of when I was a kid. After my makeup was applied someone had covered my eyes "Who is it?" the voice asked. I knew exactly who it was, because this circumstance happened right before all my matches.

"Channing Tatum in nothing but a speedo?" I joked.

"Hahaha, you're so funny sweetie!" CJ retorted.

"Awwwh, CJ. Channing is perfect but he isn't you!" I reassured him.

"What does that mean?" he asked.

"Nothing of course." I said.

"Riiight." He rolled his eyes when he said that. I gave him a playful push on the chest while flashing a flirty smile. CJ's arms then snaked around my waist, and like an anaconda slowly locked on to get a grip. CJ then hoisted me up into the air, which is one of the reasons I dated athletes, for their strength. I laughed so hard, he then set me down in one fluid motion. Then he tried to give me a kiss. I put my hand in front of his face. "CJ, what have I said? No PDA before my matches. These lovely ladies get me so dolled up and you always want to ruin it." I wimped, I loved playing games with CJ.

"Seriously? Not even one kiss?" he begged.

I placed my hand on his chest and looked up into his eyes and then whispered in his ear. "Oh believe me I am tempted." Before anything else happened I was called up. My match was on in 2 minutes so it was game time. I had to make, yet another, impression and show the Divas in the NXT and WWE Locker Room that a minor injury won't let me down. I also wanted to send Vince and Triple H the message that they should be sorry for putting me on hold.

I was nearing the entrance to the stage, and then my music played. My music and gimmick went hand-in-hand. I sassily walked down the ramp and made my way to the ring, taunting the fans as well. When I was in the ring I grabbed the mic. "Funny how I have a match, but don't know who it's against. I wonder if that was supposed to intimidate me? No matter, I can beat any of you dirty, lowlife wanna be Divas." I snapped. The crowd booed afterwards, and I loved it. I could pull of being a face or heel, but being a heel was always my favorite, because I got paid to annoy people and make them mad. Then the BFF's music played. I never really liked any of those girls, especially Charlotte. She is Ric Flair's daughter and walks around here high and mighty. I try not to remind people that The Rock is my dad, but she makes it her mission to rub her lineage in people's faces. As they made their way down the ramp and to the ring, AJ Lee's music played and she came out skipping right past Charlotte and Sasha Banks. They looked so damn stupid, and I don't think they were acting this time. As AJ entered I took of my jacket and threw it to the outside of the ring. AJ then hoisted that butterfly belt up into the air, and sashayed around like she was the best in the world. I rolled my eyes and hit her with a vicious clothesline, drilling her head onto the mat. I then mounted her threw a series of punches at her face. Sasha and Charlotte came running to her aid, and that utterly confused me. Was that in the script? They tore me off AJ and then started pounding away at me, AJ laughed of course. Then, Skye and Suki ran to the ring and rushed to my aid. I do not remember going over this Monday night, was my injury that bad?

Skye and Suki quickly got the girls out of the ring, and then helped me up. I almost gave the girls a hug, but that would have broken character. I then stood there looking frustrated and then snatched a mic. "I could've handled myself you know." I snapped. Skye and Suki stood there looking dumbfounded. "Well are you two going to leave? I have a match." Suki and Skye then left the ring and stood on the stage. I then shouted into the mic "Well who is my opponent, huh? Oh lemme guess, are the Bffs supposed to come out here again? Well that failed." That totally wasn't on script, but hey, the show must go on. Then Suki's theme started to play, and the fans started chanting "What The Hell?" and I was thinking the exact same thing. She made her way to the ring but before the bout started she took a mic and said "Bianca, the least you can say is thank you." I went up to her and slapped the mic out of her hand. I turned around and started to laugh, I was then grazed with a kick to the head. OUCH, indeed! I fell to the mat, pretending to be in agony, but then again I actually was because I was still fresh off of the injury. Suki then hit her finisher and won the match. After she left I rolled out of the ring and sheepishly walked up the ramp, to the stage and through the exit.

I walked through the hallways holding my head, which was now throbbing, again. I felt myself getting stalked and then turned around to be greeted by Corey Graves, "Wow, I want to say something assholey for you being dumb enough and not following the script. But you surely did pull it off."

"Thanks I guess. Quite frankly I don't remember any-" Corey then put his finger over my lip and said "Hush, I didn't ask for a life story, I just wanted to be the first one to comment directly to your face about your epic... failure. Or was it a success? Time will tell, I supposed." He then slowly sauntered away, fading in with the shadows. That dude was not normal. Everything about him seemed cold, but I didn't feel intimidated by him at the least, in fact his aura was very inviting. I walked to my locker room, and as I opened the door Sasha Banks and Charlotte were there. "Idiot! How could you forget the damn script?" Charlotte yelled.

"Well excuse me for suffering an injury!" I yelled back.

"So typical. Since you're The Rock's daughter you think you can just run the whole goddamn show! Am I right?" she retorted.

"Wow, you would think because you are Ric Flair's daughter you would have a more impressive insult!" I yelled straight in her face. She rolled her eyes and then shoved me, I shoved back but twice as hard. Sasha interfered "Hey! It doesn't matter who screwed up, just know that JBL wants to see all of us" Both girls then calmy left. I didn't understand them, Sasha was fine and most of the time Charlotte was too but that was outside of work. Its like their whole life is a lie, Sasha is no where near as confident as her character portrays, and Charlotte can be a pompous witch at times, but she always contains it for the sake of professionalism. Besides, its not like their careers were on the line, WWE was not about to release Ric Flair's daughter and her tag team partner.

As I sat down and began to take off my boots CJ came in. "The bosses aren't happy sweetheart... You're gonna get it!" he laughed.

"Funny, because you sure you won't be getting anything if something does happen." I snapped. That instantly shut him up.

"Awwwh, Bianca. It is okay babe! You messed up, so what? Nothing that bad will happen!" he reassured, "Besides, it's enough that people are making fun of me for your flop. And now you're threatening to not pleasure me?"

I cocked my head sideways and gave him a dirty stare "What did you just say? Because two things are wrong with what you just said."

"Whaddya mean sweetheart?" he teased.

"Oh not is the time to tease! First of all why should you care what those blockheads say? And second of all, when do I have sex to just specifically pleasure you. No, no. I thought because we were going out for 5 months it was more about the intimacy between us then containing your urges you weak willed toady!" I yelled as I pushed him out the lockerroom. My cheeks were red now, and my fist clenched. This is not the first time CJ has made my angry, it seems as if all he cares about is what he gets. Its like there isn't any love at all in our relationship anymore. He knows better than to talk to me like that! I am not some object used for pleasure, I am a 4th generation WWE Diva, if my family didn't exist the whole landscape of the WWE would be different, and not for the better either.

I took a shower and then got dressed and made my way to the hotel room. 'Oh he is definitely getting none' I thought.

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