Grave Situation

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Grave Situation

"Suprise, suprise. Open up your front door." Corey said slyly.

"What? Its like 3 in the morning!" I asked confused, "Besides, I am out right now."

"Oh-- Well I wanted to surprise you by coming and see you and rescue you from CJ." Corey said disappointed.

My cheeks turned a hot red, and I turned silent. "About that... CJ and I are back together."

Then there was silence on the other end. "Look, Corey, I was going to tell you when I got back, you were going to be the first one to know." I reassured. Corey only scoffed a little. "Corey, I gave CJ another chance I truly believed that he was sorry for his actions and that he has changed. Besides he even took me out to this amazing place, and it seems really special to him so now--"

"Save it, Bianca. I don't wanna hear about your damned date with CJ." Corey interrupted.

"Is it my fault for wanting to tell you everything?" I said dumbfounded. Why did I even say that? I am not helping the situation at all.

"Listen, Bianca that is the kind of stuff you tell your girl friends, okay? Not me. I can't believe you would do that, after everything that happened between us."

"Don't act like it even matters anymore!" I said harshly.

"Wow, really, Bianca? I can't believe you just said that. After all that has happened, after the drinks, and the talk and the kiss and me opening up to you in the car! Why would I do that unless I liked you?" Corey was starting to get angry.

"How was I supposed to know? You seemed intent on getting some, and leaving."

"For Christ's Sake, Bianca! I thought we cleared the air about that! Why do I have to rexplain myself and spell things out for you! I-- I can't even do this right now." I was silent. "Oh and now you won't even speak to me. Seriously? To think I wanted a relationship with you!"

"You said not until I was 100%!" I yelled back.

"Yeah, cause I didn't want it to go to hell if you were still hooked on CJ or stressed about your career. Now I am glad I didn't make that mistake!" Corey yelled from the other line.

A tear started to form down my cheek. Corey was drama, and I didn't need that right now. If he cared so much, why would he say such hurtful things? "Goodbye, Corey." I said while hanging up the phone.

After ending the call, I threw my phone in the sand, and wiped my tears. Of course, while having a positive life changing experience, drama has to come right in! Can't I have a normal life? I sighed, I chose this life but I never wanted this!

I made my way back to the group, only to see CJ making out with Sunshine. This disturbed me, not like when he kissed Spirit. This was different, this was lust. I became disgusted at CJ, at this whole place. Probably because of Corey and his drama. Suddenly someone came up to me and grabbed me. I forced my way out of the hold to see Blue. I was angry at Blue and his games, but I didn't react to it. Something, prohibited me from doing so. I just looked into Blue's eyes. The looked great in the moonlight. He closed in on me and wrapped his arms around my waist and squeezed me tight. All he did was hold me in his arms, as we were staring into each other's eyes. I didn't feel rage anymore, Blue somewhat calmed me down with his seafom eyes glistening in the moonlight. Blue wasn't half bad, he may have boned most of the people here, guys included, but he did it for love. Suddenly, I felt as I did earlier. I felt the love that this place radiated, I felt the comfort amongst everyone. I still will never understand their ways, but I won't judge them for it. Blue then leaned down to kiss me, before his lips reached mine CJ interrupted him. "Excuse me but I can finish it from here." CJ said, arms folded across his chest.

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