Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Richards POV

I was sitting outside of the room Ryder was in, I knew what was that pain. It was the pain of not having her mate, i've read about those before. Although I had never heard of the pain so bad that you can black out, it's very strange. I saw Joseph, Victoria and two other people come toward me. Once they were in front of me I got a good look at them. One was a guy, he was about 6'7 and looked exactly like Kayden, that must be his father. I saw the other person which was a woman, she was short with blonde hair and looked exactly like Victoria, the mother.

"How is she?" the mother asked

"I don't know yet, the doctor is still checking up on her" I said

"I'm Nicole Bennett, I'm the mother of the Bennett Family and this big man right here is my husband Michael Bennett" she said

"I'm Richard Morris, the second oldest" I said and held my hand out, Nicole hugged me and Michael shook my hand.

"Nice to meet you, boy. How many of you are there?"he asked

"Five in total" I said proudly

"Wow" Nicole said "and are those your real eyes as well?" she asked

I couldn't help but chuckle "yes, I got them from my Papa." I said

"Oh wow, you look exactly like Ryder are you sure your not twins?" she asked

"No, we all look exactly like each other. Although one of them is Ryder twin" I said in-matter-fact tone

"Okay Mom, can we get back to how's Ryder doing?" Victoria said worriedly

"Oh alright" she said the pack doctor came out of the room

"Who's related to Ryder Morris?" The pack doctor said

"Me, I'm her brother" I said

"Has your sister found her mate?" he asked

"Yes, this is his family" I said pointing to the Bennett's

"Is he away or dead?"

"No but he has been in a coma for two months now" I said

"Well the pain she has been having is from her mate, Her wolf thinks that he is dead and is having the feeling as if her mate is dead"

"So how can we make it better?" Nicole asked

"You can't, either her mate needs to wake up or she can go with the pain"

"Wait if the pain gets worse?" I asked

"Then she'll die, in the mean time let her rest right now" he said sympathetically my heart stopped beating for a moment, she can die from her pain. I couldn't take this anymore, I lean back to the wall and fell to the floor. My baby sister can die, I felt tears coming from the back of my eyes.

"You just need to make her wolf think her mate is alive" he said and walked away, The Bennett family surrounded me and hugged me.

"It's okay, she'll be okay" Victoria said

"M-My baby sister is dying" I said and tears fell out of my eyes, how can this happen? why her, why not me? Goddess just make it me!

"No, don't think like that. Kayden will wake up and she'll be alright again" Nicole said

"N-No! She dying I can-" Nicole pulled me into a hug and started to rub my back

"Stop it! She okay, she'll live.We know she will" she soothed me, it started to relax me and she started to say soothing words until I stop crying

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