Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Ryder POV

I wore gray sweat pants with red sports bra and red converse, I put my hair up in a ponytail and walked to the red camaro. When I got in Kayden was in there waiting for me, I didn't argue so I started to drive. The ride over to the area In the woods was silent, also very awkward. I just kept my mouth shut, I got out the car and saw Sam, my brothers and papa. They seemed shocked about his appearance but got over it

"So I'm guessing Alpha is doing the challenge" Papa said

"Yes I am" he said and I looked at him as if was crazy

"No your not" I stated

"Why not?" he asked

"Because you just got out of a coma, you think I'm going to put you in danger like that? that's not happening, I don't care your not doing it" I said

"Well I'm the alpha of this pack, you were just taking care of it while I was in a coma"

"Kayden, your not doing it. That's final" I demanded and walked to the middle of the area, my opponent stared at me. He was look down at my body with his eyes, it felt uncomfortable.

"So are you suppose to be prize when I win?" he asked amused

"Shut it, your fighting me" I said angrily

"Okay but I will let you lose in submission just say I'm yours and I'm done" he said proudly I heard Kayden growl but I also growled. I saw red and I ran to him, he grab my neck and threw me to the floor. I got up quickly, I knew this was going to be fun. He was strong and I like my opponents strong, I grinned when he started to run toward me. He swung his fist luckily I caught it, I pulled him toward me and upper cut his jaw. He landed on the ground and started to get up, I kicked his stomach when He was on all fours, I kept on kicking him until I felt his rib break. I grab a fist full of his hair and looked at him

"You see that handsome man over there, the one that probably looks pissed off?" I smiled wickedly when his eyes widen, he knew that was Kayden "he's my mate and also the Alpha of this pack" and elbowed his face

"Your the L-Luna" he said shocked, I nodded. I started to punch his face, his face started to bleed. I let him get up and let him try to hurt me, he ran to me and punch my stomach. The air came out of me and I looked at him in shocked. I jump on him, my legs are wrapped around his torso and one of my hands cup the back of his neck, I punch the crap out of his eye. I knew what he was thinking, how can I be a luna, I leaned toward his ear

"I'm different from Luna's, I love to see pain to others who tries to take my mates power." I whispered making my lips brush against his ear and his eyes widen, I grab his head and twisted it. I jump off him before he fell to the floor dead, I brushed any dirt off my pants and hair. I glanced at my family and Kayden was gone

"Where's Kayden?" I asked

"In the car, he said he had to make calls" Ronnie said

"Oh.....okay uh see you at dinner?" I asked

"Yeah, see you then. Are you going Beta Sam?" Raymond asked

"You all can call me Sam we're family now, do you mind if I bring my mate, Genesis?" he asked

"Not at all" Papa said we all said our goodbyes and I made my way to the camaro, I see Kayden on the drivers seat so I sat in the passenger seat. He looked mad about something, he started to drive and I feel the tension on the car. Why was he mad? Is because of the alpha thing? the fact that I didn't let him fight? I had to know i am not keeping my mouth shut on this one

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