Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Ryder POV

I walked Into Kaydens office and he was angry, he started to throw things across the room. I didn't care but he almost hit me

"Hey! Stop it would ya!" I said he was breathing hard, staring at the wall, I cautiously walk to him and hugged him

"Calm down, they're mates, you can't get mad because of that" I said he was smelling my hair and stroking it with one hand. He seemed it calm down but I know he's still mad.

"Let's go home" I said as I pulled away, I grab his arm and took him outside where the red Chevrolet Camaro was sitting in the parking lot.

"Is that my Camaro?" he asked

"Well duh, All you use is that black Farrari and all those car are sitting in your garage collecting dust" I said

"The Farrari is my favorite" he stated

"Well the camaro is mine" I ran into the drivers seat and started the car, I glance outside my window and Kayden was standing there with a grin on his face "are you going to walk home?" I asked coldly

"I think I might" he joked

"Shut up and get in" I said and he got in the passenger seat, I started to drive. I took one hand off the wheel and hold Kaydens hand. I have to tell him about me being a Female Alpha plan, I pressed my lips together.

"Kayden, I have to tell you something" I said

"Sure what is it?"

"Well while the two months you were in a coma, I asked Sam if I can take over as an alpha because you know his mate is due to give birth at any moment. So that meant that I did all the work and Challenges"

"Ryder get to the point" he warned

"Well.....some of the challengers were alphas and-"

"Do not tell me you lost in submission, Ryder don't tell me another alpha is running this pack" he said

"Well there is and it's not any of the challengers" I murmured, we arrived and I parked the car, I got out quickly before he can reply.

"Ryder what do you mean?" he said following me into the house, I ignore him and walked into his room.

"Ryder, if i have to run you'll regret that decision" I ran up the stair and heard him running after me, I started to run in his room, I lock the door and ran into the closet and his in clothes that were hung on a pole, I felt like a kid hiding from there mother in a clothing store. Luckily I was short so It doesn't even look like I was in here, I heard Kayden braking the door open

"Ryder! Where are you?!" he yelled I'm guessing he was looking around the room because he was taking awhile, when I heard him go into the closet I was quiet. I couldn't make any sudden sounds or movements, He growled. I almost laughed but I was hiding from him, I covered my mouth with my hand so I wouldnt laugh. when he was half way out the closet, I sighed through my nose. He stop walking and walked toward the direction from were I was hiding, he move the clothes out of the way and saw me sitting there.

"Found you" he said he pulled me closer to him and carried my over his shoulder.

"Put me down" I said hitting his back, he carried me down the stair and to the living room, he drop me on the couch. he looks mad, crap, I have to explain it to him. I swallowed hard but I gave him an blank expression

"You better tell me what the hell you meant by another Alpha is running this pack" he said

"Well there was a lot of-"

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